
Friday, March 2, 2012

Pinterest #17

Lordy, was it a long week. This might be an over-share, but I was so busy yesterday that I forgot to shower. I'm not even sure how that happened because that's a pretty major thing to forget. I also forgot to go to the chiropractor on Tuesday, so maybe I'm just senile now. Anyway, let's look at some awesome stuff from Pinterest and think about the weekend.

Shabby Apple just debuted a new Mad Hatter collection, which is fabulous. My favorite is this lovely navy blue piece. Too bad I already have something similar, otherwise this would be on its way to me right now.

This dark chocolate ice cream has a LOT ingredients, but look at it! I think it's worth some extra effort.

Hello, lover.

Holy paper mobile, Batman! This is gorgeous.

Our brown sofa isn't exactly standing the test of time, which is a bummer. Good thing I've already picked out its replacement!

This is important to remember. The little steps are still progress:

So what are you up to this weekend? Am I the only one who gets so busy they forget about major steps in their schedule? What was your favorite Pin this week?


  1. Whaaat? That dress is DIVINE! Love it. So far I've only bought Shabby Apple dresses from ebay (because I'm cheap!) but I may have to reconsider saving my pennies for one of these beauties! And that paper mobile is so friggin' neat. Man oh man does that look like a meticulous project. PS - I want some dark chocolate ice cream now.

  2. That dress in unreal! Oh my goodness...thank you for posting such an awesome collection! I may have to steal that dress and put it somewhere in my own blog :)

    <3 Jesse

  3. Beautiful collection. I love the paper mobile.

  4. Looooove that photo of the dress! Classy, feminine, modest and flattering! *LOVE*

  5. Awesome round up of items! The dress is gorgeous. I love the mobile, too. It's so whimsical.

    I have never forgotten to shower, but we all have those days! It happens to the best of us.

    Link up your Friday Feature with me!

  6. Girl, I forget to shower all the time. Welcome to life working from a home studio :). That mobile is beautiful.

  7. The chocolate ice cream has my attention..Yum! I tend to lose track of time and I am always forgetting something. We are working this weekend, but it will be our last one. Yea!

  8. That dress is cute as heck. I love showering so much, I could never forget to do it. I do take pirate baths in a rush, while longing for a shower.

  9. Don't worry, I often forget to shower when I'm super busy and engrossed in work or creative things! You're not alone there! And love that sofa-- a great pick!

  10. Oh my goodness, I LOVE Shabby Apple! I didn't realize they had released a new collection! Fabulous! Thanks so much for linking us up!

    This is perfect, I'm working on Alice in Wonderland for a final in one of my Illustration classes ;) Onward to inspiration! <3
