
Thursday, March 1, 2012

12 in 2012: An Update

Instead of doing traditional New Year's resolutions for 2012, I busted out 12 general goals for myself to work on for the entire year. Now that we're already through two months (seriously, how is it March?), I figured it was time for an accountability check.

First, things that are going well:

1. Cook more. I've tried a handful of new dishes, like some insanely good spicy Thai noodles, recipe right here.

2. Go back to school. Classes started mid-January.

3. Organize my office. Again. Not only have I reconfigured my supplies, but I got some new storage.

4. Read more historical fiction. I'm halfway through In the Garden of Beasts by Erik Larson, the gentleman who wrote Devil in the White City.


On the flip side, some things aren't really moving along:

1. Exercise everyday. I'm averaging 4 days a week, which isn't bad, but it's also not what I was going for.

2. Get a new computer. Nope, still using this old snail.

3. Paint the living room. Also not happening anytime soon.

4. Get rid of my old computer from college. Okay, you get the idea.


Did you make any New Year's resolutions? Or any goals? How are they going?


  1. Congrats on the positive progress, the rest will fall in line. . .eventually, lol. You can do it!


  2. I knew you were making general goals for 2012 but missed the catch phrase of 12 in 2012. It's cute! You are moving toward your goals, that's good.

    I too made general goals and keep taking small steps in the right direction, even with the upheaval in my life.

    That's all we can really do, keep taking steps in the right direction

  3. I'm getting a lot more artwork done... but on the flip side, still haven't made it into the pool ONCE this year. You win some, you lose some.

  4. I'm glad that some of your goals are going well! Good luck with the rest of them.

    I did make some goals for 2012 and am planning to do a check in on my blog later this month.

  5. Ha! Tell me about old computers. The husband won't part with anything old that holds data, from stone-age cell phones to his old computers. :]

    You're doing pretty well, though! 2/3 of the list to go, and 2/3 of the year to accomplish it!

  6. I made realisting new years resolutions and have done several or worked on several. Nothing life changing, a little here a little there. I blogged about it as a record and a reminder to do some of these things. Firstly was make more stuff for myself, very satisfying.

    Good luck with your list, I am sure you know about in case you don't best recipe website.

  7. OK, well some healthy progress on 4/12 goals is wonderful, considering that you still have 10 months to work on everything else! And I LOVED Devil in a White City. How is the other book so far?

    1. It's pretty good, but Devil In the White City was a lot better. I'm having a hard time getting invested in one of the main characters, which makes it hard to enjoy some of the chapters.

  8. good for you!! its always good to keep track of what we want to achieve - i didnt make many resolutions but the usual, eat well!

  9. Great job girl! I have my 28 goals before my 28th birthday (november) and I only have 2 things completed. Haha

  10. I didn't really make any new goals. I have a few things I have been working on for awhile, both business and personal. I'm doing pretty well on exercising more and eating better, but not so good on keeping my business organized. oops!
