
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A New York Minute

Even though Hubsey and I were only in New York for .03 seconds last weekend (and by that I mean about 36 hours), we still managed to cram a lot of stuff into our one full day. We took a lot of the advice given in the comments of this post, and stuck pretty close to our hotel.

It was near the Flatiron Building, so we headed that way first. I have to say, I was expecting it to be taller! Not that it's lame or anything, but it was shorter in person. Like a celebrity, I guess.

During that morning meandering, we also realized we were in this guy's neighborhood:

One of the highlights of the day was a place called Eataly. It's a combination Italian market/restaurant/snack bar. And it's huge. Basically, if it's somehow related to food in Italy, you can get it there. We didn't eat anything because we got there right after breakfast (whoops), but we did take pictures of the furniture:

Seriously, how cool is this table?

We also did some shopping. On the way to a different store we popped into Zara on a whim... and I found a blazer! The clouds parted and the angels sang! Unicorns flew across the sky! I did an impromptu photo shoot back at the hotel!

Our original destination was Pippin Vintage Jewelry, which did not disappoint. I'm slowly building a collection and specifically wanted a piece from this trip. This is my newest diamond decoy, a sneaky lab-created stone from the 1940s that's set in silver instead of gold:

Guess what? Only $32.

Did you know the buildings in New York don't have alleys between them? I'd heard that, but dismissed it until I got there and looked out the window. Everything really IS jammed together:

Anyway, aside from the no alley situation (which means everybody has to put their garbage on the sidewalk), being in NYC felt a lot like being in Chicago. The similar architecture, the distinct neighborhoods, the traffic, the crowds... It was just a bigger version of my favorite city! Chicago on steroids, if you will.

We're definitely going back. Have you done any traveling lately? Or have any trips coming up? Is there anywhere you're dying to go but haven't yet?


  1. Great pictures, thanks for sharing. I love NYC!

  2. wow! what a fantastic (quick) trip! Jamie and I went right after 9-11 and we were there only a couple of days.
    Love your pics, great score on that ring.
    trips? funny you should ask. Just got back from Nashville (blissdom) headed wayyy across the country next week from l'ville ky to portland OR. Wondering why I said Yes--oh yeah, that's my word of the year.
    NYC or Chicago? hmmm love both !!
    ps I have vowed to NOT do word verification. have you seen them lately? these old eyes can't read them. For you, I'll make an exception. Have you considered turning them off to see how it goes?

    1. Ya know what? I totally forgot I had word verification on. They ARE really hard to see now...

  3. Love the photos of NY Paige. I love NY and find something new to enjoy every trip I make there:)

  4. Love you ring! What a find idea to start a collection!
    I'm so glad you had a good trip! I just got back from San Diego with my family - we had a blast.

  5. I will give you $33 for that ring :)

    I love it! Great pictures too!

    <3 Jesse from blogging buddies on Etsy

  6. Sounds like you had a blast. Love that blazer and that ring is a steal. Also, the eatery you went into is very intriguing...

  7. Chicago on steroids! Love it. Great photos!

  8. I'm glad that you had such a good trip! Your finds are great. We haven't traveled anywhere since July but are hoping to schedule some sort of small trip whenever Jake gets a week off during his first year of residency. No specific destination in mind yet.

  9. OMG...Only $32 for that awesome "diamond"! I'm so jealous...not only did you get to go to NYC, but you got a great souvenier!

  10. How fun. I went to new york for the first time a few years ago for almost a week and we STILL didn't get to do everything we wanted! It was wonderful though because being from rural south Alabama, it was so fun to see how busy and big the place is. It was so inspiring! Speaking of places to go soon I am going on my honeymoon in less than 2 weeks to St. Martin!! I've never been out of the country before so I'm dying to do my first international adventure as a WIFE!

  11. Fun trip! I love to visit the city. I think it's so fun to wander and bump into famous buildings and things. So glad you had a fun time!

  12. sounds like a great trip! I always think landmarks are shorter than I would think.

  13. I used to live in New York City and seeing your post made me miss it a little. 36 hours is not enough time to be in New York, hopefully next time you get to go you can enjoy it for a week or two!
    Everyday Inspired

  14. I was impressed by Chicago's clean streets, upon moving here from NY. In fact, Chicago's downtown strikes me as a digital rendering of a city, because of how squeaky clean it is by comparison.
    Yes, I see real life things as renderings. ;)

    So glad you covered so much ground in 36 hours! You guys should go back during the Summer, for all the free concerts...

  15. oh i love NYC - hubby and i spent 2wks there celebrating our 10yr wedding anniversary! loved it so much!
    here are my pics from the trip!

  16. I lived in NYC for 2years and loved it. I can't wait to move back after my stint in Charlottesville. Chicago will always be in my heart but I fell in love with NYC. The next time you visit you really should check out the fashion district. There are so many bead shops it's amazing. You can spend days there.
