
Monday, February 27, 2012

Best Dressed (mostly)

Happy Monday! Usually I don't say such a ridiculous thing, but since it's the day after the Oscars there will be a lot of fashion eye-candy to gape at. Let's go.

I have to start with Emma Stone, not just because she looks fantastic, but because I want to be her best friend. (Which isn't to say that I'm over my imaginary BFF status with Kate Middleton! I can swing both.) Her dress looked more red on camera, but I'm glad to see it's actually a dark fuchsia. It really suits her.

I don't know much about Milla Jovovich except that she was in some vampire movies that aren't Twilight or Dracula. But I do know she was at the Oscars, lookin' fabulous in retro finger waves and a beaded gown. It's probably really heavy, but so gorgeous.

Okay, we need to ignore Kelly Osborne's hair. But her dress! So flattering! It's different and VERY retro, which is perfect for Ms. O and her general throwback style. If it weren't for the washed out purple on top, this would have been my favorite of the entire night.

Tina Fey rocking a peplum! Heck, Tina Fey rocking her entire look. Apparently Carolina Herrera opted to dress only one star for the night, and she chose Tina. That makes me warm and fuzzy on the inside, because she totally could've chosen somebody more inherently glam, but instead went with the quirky fun girl. Two thumbs up for everybody involved.

Lastly, this isn't one of my favorites but I had to address it anyway:

Yes, Angelina, we all see your leg! Thank you for standing like that every second of the entire evening.

Did you watch the show? What was your favorite part? Or your favorite gown? How'd you feel about Billy Crystal hosting again? I thought he was better than James Franco and Anne Hathaway last year, but still not as good as he's been in the past. Overall, the show was only okay for me. Good thing the dresses were extra lovely to make up for it!


  1. Yes, yes, I am a huge fan of Emma's, loved Kelly's dress but not so much her hair. And definitely Billy over anyone else:):)

  2. Does that mean if I'm BFF with Emma also that we would be a trio of BFF's? :p She was too funny with Ben Stiller! I loved the flow of the gown!
    I lol'd when I saw the Angelina/Brad photo...seriously with her leg!! When she presented she looked RIDICULOUS standing like that. I swear she looks like a femme-robot. Kelly's hair is a mess...sadly it took away from her divine dress!
    I think anyone would've been an improvement over last year...James Franco was awful and seemingly intoxicated.
    I loved Octavia's gown!

  3. Didn't see the Oscars (gasp, I know) but I like all your picks. I'm not big on Angelina. She's so pretentious.

    1. Ugh, I know! I couldn't believe she stuck her leg out that like ALL night.

  4. I like the dresses you highlighted. Milla's beaded dress looks very glam. Angelina's leg looks odd. Well everyone's knees look odd, not a body part to draw attention to. IMO

  5. Love your pics, especially Milla Jovovich. STUNNING gown!

  6. uh YEAH- I'm SO glad you addressed the annoying stance of Ms. Angelina. Gross.

  7. Loved Emma Stone too! She's so adorable. I also thought Kelly's dress was so unique and retro and cool...perfect for her. And Tina Fey looked downright sexy, no? I thought Angelina and Brad both looked bad, actually...just sloppy and meh.

  8. It's always fun to see what the stars wear. Love Emma Stone's gown. That color just pops!

  9. i liked that comment about Angelina's leg! i didnt see the show but i looked at her photos this morning and in EVERY single one she was showing that leg!

    great picks :)



  10. These were all great dresses! I also liked Michelle Williams dress.
    I loved the part where Octavia won, her speech made me tear up!

  11. I didn't get to watch it live, but I've been stalking the net looking at photos of all the gorgeous gowns! I love solid colors with lots of glam...and sometimes a touch of edginess in there :)

  12. I didn't watch the show, but it is always fun to read all the different blogs and see what styles everyone liked. So far I have seen lots of gorgeous dresses, Emma Stones is a great color. Thanks for sharing your favorites.
    Everyday Inspired

  13. My favorite part was Cirque du Soleil and the writer imitating Angelina Jolie!

  14. You may remember Milla Jovovich from such movies as The Fifth Element.

  15. Also, Emma Stone seems like a very straight-forward girl. Friend material, indeed!

  16. Hah, I looked at Tina Fey in that picture and wondered why she was wearing that large yellow bonnet, then I realized it's Oscar's studly chest behind her head. Unfortunate photo op placement! Apparently Angelina was sticking her leg out so nobody would notice her baby bump, or at least that's what the tabloids are saying now.
