
Friday, March 30, 2012

Pinterest #19

I'm coming down with a bit of a sniffle--which always seems to happen when I'm busy--and I was on the computer last night "taking it easy" with plans to add some more stuff to the shops. What actually happened? I got sucked into a Pinterest black hole.

This handbag tutorial is waaaay too advanced for my basic sewing skillz, but maybe someday I'll get there:

I drink a lot of tea (and will be consuming more than usual for the next few days), so these cookies are right up my alley. Sadly, the recipe is in French, so if anybody can help a girl out with the translation...

How cute is this solid perfume necklace? Tutorial right here.

BHLDN has outdone themselves again with more pretty dresses. Expect a full post about them next week, but in the meantime, a sunny preview:

Ikea bookcases are the most amazing products ever. This is an entire wall of built-in Billy shelves, and they look totally custom (instead of like they only cost $80 each, which they do):

What goodies did you find on Pinterest this week? Anybody else mesmerized by the versatile Ikea shelving? Or a new DIY project? Who else has a spring cold cramping their style? Stupid post-nasal drip...


  1. Hi Paige!thank you for publishing this great bag tutorial...i'll try it, of course ;) many thanks also for the biscuits picture....they are very nice! have a good day Ilaria

  2. I'm in LOVE with the bookself. I wish I had a dedicated wall that was large enough or empty enough for something like that.

    I hope you feel better soon miss!

  3. Hot cute! And the Pinterest black hole is definitely an appropriate sentiment! I am so addicted it is not even funny! In fact, most of my home and garden decor ideas for our new house are coming from there!

    -Tiffany from Mom's Daily Zen

  4. That perfume locket is such a great idea!
    And I love the book shelves! I could use about 10 of those!

    Hope you feel better soon :)

  5. AHH- now you're going to cause me to fall into a pinterest hole! I've got to go repin some of these to keep for later!

  6. those cookies!! so adorable! god pinterest is just the bees knees :)


  7. Those cookies are awesome! I found a recipe for Texas Roadhouse rolls on Pinterest that Jake really wants me to try sometime soon.

    Feel better soon!

    Link up your Friday Feature with me!

  8. Hope you sniffle stays just that and doesn't develop into a full blown cold! I swear by 1,000 mg Vit.C pill every day (taken them for over 20 years now) and rarely have a cold!

    Just visiting from the Etsy Blog Forum - looking for Followers (I'm at near and yet so far!) and will certainly be following you from now on. Perhaps you'd care to visit me at and see how I made, mend and otherwise create the plushies I then try to sell at www.coldhamcuddlies.etsy.gom? Do hope so.

    Meanwhile, best of luck with your endeavours - and get better soon. Isobel

  9. I've got your solution for the Pinterest black hole (I so do that too!), so I made this to keep me on track:

    Enjoyed checking out your pins :-)

  10. Good gracious. BHLDN makes me jealous and sad... also, I saw that DIY clutch too! And sadly.. I also can't sew :( someday!

  11. Those cookies do look delicious, I wish you luck with the translating


    1. French Tea Biscuits

      ¾ cup butter
      1/3 cup powdered sugar
      ¼ tsp lemon zest
      1 egg
      1 tbsp orange juice
      pinch of salt
      2 ½ cups of flour

      In a large bowl, mix the butter in pieces until you have a uniform texture. Add the powdered sugar and mix on high just until it appears creamy and smooth. Add the lemon zest, egg and orange juice, mixing on high just until all ingredients are blended and it appears homogeneous.
      In another bowl mix the salt and flour, add to the other ingredients slowly until you form a uniform mixture with no trace of flour. Form the dough into a ball, grease very lightly and cover with wax paper, refrigerate for at least a half-hour.
      Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Roll the dough out in workable pieces, cut in the shape of a tea bag, place on cookie sheet giving ample room to spread. Cook on the center rack of the oven for 15-18 minutes, remove from oven, let stand for 5 minutes then transfer to a cooling rack to cool completely.
      Once cooled, dip the cookies in melted chocolate bark coating to achieve the effect in the picture. You could also use a frosting paint or ganache, whatever tickles your fancy.

    2. Becky, you just got 50 awesome points. Thank you so much.

  12. Love the bookshelf! And the tea cookies are so cute and delicious looking! Feel better soon.

  13. This is the best post! Very cute pinterest finds and an amazing recipe!

  14. I love these pins and I'm going to steal them! Those shelves are amazing! The clutch is cute and those cookies are probably as yummy as they are cute.

  15. Pinterest really is a black hole of inspiration, but so are blogs! Thanks for posting that built-in shelf link. I'm planning on this for a job at the moment and have been looking for the perfect inspiration :) xx

    Anna (My Design Ethos)

  16. I got sucked into the Pinterest black hole as well this weekend. You found some great finds, and that book shelf is very cool.
    Everyday Inspired
