
Monday, April 2, 2012

Who loves estate sales? That would be me.

Best estate sale EVER! I never find this much stuff in one day! In fact, it's not uncommon for me to come home empty handed, but on Friday the stars aligned and the universe worked in my favor. Everything you're about to see only cost me $29.50:

I can't believe it. Three suitcases, a leather carry-on, five yardsticks, oil pastels, a knickknack shelf, and a retro desk calendar. For $29.50.

First, I have to talk about the luggage. I'm not an expert and I couldn't find a name anywhere on them, but considering the great shape they were in, $5 each seemed pretty low. But hey, if that's all you want to charge me...

And then, because I was buying all of the suitcases, the woman running the sale threw in this vintage Samsonite bag for free(!):

Yes, that's a piece of popcorn on the floor. It was my lunch.

I was planning on giving at least one of the suitcases as a gift, but then Hubsey came home and started drooling all over them. He was like, "Hey, we could actually use those!" Well, technically they were going to be used anyway, but yes, they could also go on vacations and business trips.

As for my smaller items, I've been keeping an eye out for knickknack shelves, because when you lay them flat they make excellent bead storage. This one was $5. The $2 retro calendar was originally for Hubsey, but since he stole the luggage I might have to keep it for myself. The oil pastels were another ridiculously good deal: 24 of them, barely used, for $3.

Finally, we have the yardsticks:

You may recall that I love me some yardstick-y DIYs. And now that I've finally found some good ones that weren't 8 million dollars (seriously, eBay, why do you hate me?), it's on. These were a total of $4.50.

And that's the happy story of my estate sale excursion. It's even better knowing that I went on a whim. I saw a sign and said, "Oh, heck. The post office will still be open in an hour." And apparently I was lucky enough to discover some people who were more concerned about getting rid of their old stuff than making money. (Again, not complaining.)

Have you scored a good deal lately? Or checked out any estate sales? What's the best purchase you've made at one?


  1. cool finds!!! love the yard sticks!
    ...we call them Garage Sales in Australia...

  2. Nice finds. The luggage looks like it's in great condition too.

  3. I. Am. So. Jealous.
    That desk calendar is DIVINE!!! Well that's the item I'm most jealous of.
    What an amazing find on those suitcases! I love the little mirror inside. And that samsonite bag...swoon! The knick knack shelve is pretty perfect too!!!

    Can you feel my jealousy/envy? :p

    Great finds girl!


  4. Awesome score! We'll be having city-wide garage sale day soon and I'm hoping to find some great deals then!

  5. Amazing job at the sale! Seriously everything is aweseome! My favorite: the Samsonite bag and the pastels :-)

  6. Great finds! That luggage set is sweet, love the color :)

  7. Yes, great finds! I love finding treasures like these.

  8. Those are some amazing finds for $29! I am an estate sale freak. I go probably every other weekend. You don't normally find prices like that though!

  9. Nice finds! The luggage doesn't look used at all.

  10. love the oil pastels and carry on bag! i just love those days where you seem to hit all the right places and get great deals.

  11. Score! I've seen some really cool designs printed/painted/stenciled onto suitcases like those and I think they look so great (plus they remain usable!) And I love the pastels have High Class printed on the box ~ they really do seem high class because of it!

  12. oOOO...lucky indeed! Those tutorials look so cool too- can't wait to see what you end up making with them!

  13. That luggage is darling! Haha I don't know if I could actually use it functionally. I'd probably just use is as props in photo shoots or something :) Great finds!

  14. That is amazing! I am so happy you got your yardsticks! I want to see the results now! :) That knick-knack shelf is great, too. I'd like to find one of those, maybe for thread spools.

  15. What a fantastic deal! I have heard so many amazing stories about great scores at estate sales, but I've never actually been to one. How do you find them?

    1. Sometimes I drive around like a weirdo looking for signs, but most of the time I hear about them from the newsletter. I'm not sure if they service the whole country, but they have a lot of stuff in the Midwest.

  16. Wow you lucked out! Awesome finds. And the popcorn on the floor made me laugh. I can't tell you how many times I've taken a photo for my shop or blog only to find something in the background that I didn't see till I uploaded to my computer. Hahaha.

  17. that samsonite is rad!
    ive got a mustard yellow one that is pretty similar.
    and those pastels are great.
    nice score.

  18. Wow, awesome finds! I look forward to seeing what you make out of the yard sticks.

  19. I'm so jealous! You did awesome!

  20. I looooove the carryon bag! Also love that the pastels are "High Class."

  21. Great Finds and Great Prices.

  22. Ba! Those suitcases are in amazing condition! What a great haul :)

  23. What a great haul! I usually think that Estate sales mean higher prices, but I guess not always, right? I really like the calendar, reminds me of the nick-nacky stuff my Grandma had.

  24. What a score! I'm jealous of your knicknack shelf - I've been searching for one for so long!

  25. I love the luggage, but that calendar is AMAZING! I would have paid $29.50 just for that. :) Great haul!
