
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Decisions, Decisions.

Now that I finally have some decent looking yardsticks, it's on like Donkey Kong! This was the original project that sparked my interest in vintage measuring sticks about 6 months ago:

Ruler table! And how perfect, we have a boring one from Ikea that's just screaming for a makeover. It's one of those $10 Lack models, so no big deal if I screw it up.

Great, right? Well, in theory, yes. But in practice, I don't have enough yardsticks.

That tabletop is just a hair under 22" square, and if a yardstick is 3 feet long but only 1 inch wide... I don't even have half the coverage I need.

So now I have to do something else. I suppose I could dig through more estate sales for months hoping to find more, but frankly, I don't have time for that. I found the good stuff and I want to use it. For example, I bet if I had an awesome tray, I'd have more fabulous dinner parties:

Or, because you can never have too much storage in a small house, I could make some kind of crate:

Not that I would harass a poor plant with my office supplies, but I like the idea of a ruler-covered container. In fact, I have a mini bucket that might work really well...

And obviously I don't have enough to do this to our dresser, but wouldn't it be awesome if I did?

So that's where I am right now. The table is out (boo!), and now I have to choose between the tray, the crate, or the container. Or if you have another yardstick-related idea for me, feel free to leave it in the comments! If you had a pile of yardsticks, what would you make?


  1. I'm loving all the yardstick home decor! The table is really cool. I think almost every home has a LACK table. LOL.
    Good luck with finding enough yardsticks!

  2. DUDE!!! These are flipping sweet! You will have to post the finished project for sure! I'd love to see what you come up with!

  3. I would totally do the crate! I feel like it'd be more functional than the tray and I like the crate better than the container. It feels like it keeps the vintage aspect of the yardsticks in a different way. Either way, I'm super excited that you were finally able to find your yardsticks! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with in the end!

  4. Oh man, those are some great choices! Too bad you don't have enough to do a bigger project!

  5. Yardsticks never looked so awesome! No matter what you choose, I know it's going to look great. Can't wait to see what you decide on!

  6. Great projects! I love the tray and the container. Best of luck. :)

  7. Oh my word!!! These are fantastic! Pinning now! :-)

  8. Oh my gosh, when you first posted about the yardsticks, I thought, "Maybe she'll make a picture frame!" Which is only the most obvious and boring thing in the world.

    Anyway, I really love the crate. I think its unique and super cute.

  9. Well, if you had a pile of yardsticks, I woul surely do something. For example some frames or something like a shade for a lamp. Betweeh you options, I woul make the table! I love it!a big hug Ilaria

  10. How clever! I love the table and the tray . I am going to have to try to find old yard sticks now, it looks awesome! I can't wait to see what you do with yours.

  11. Yes, the dresser would be awesome. But with what you have - I'm partial to the tray :-)

  12. The tray is my favorite. You could even leave it out on the table to help mimic the look of a ruler table.

    Other than that, maybe make a ruler-framed mirror?

  13. I love all the cool ideas you found using yard sticks. I really like the tray or the container.
    Everyday Inspired

  14. Oh, a ruler table or dresser is extraordinarily awesome! Please, find more and make your table, it is an idea worth fighting for!

  15. I love all these ideas, but I think the Ikea table needs it the most!
