
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Shop Update: Shimmer

I was going to work the word "bling" into the title, but I feel like I use that a lot. Since I have this nice vocabulary from reading all the time, I might as well bust out some synonyms!

Sparkle. Glitter. Shine. Specifically, things have been getting all rhinestone-y up in Little White Chapel. I added a few new things to the lineup, but I also went through and redid some of the photography on one of the freakishly sunny days we had:

Cluster hair pins, $25.

Drop earrings, $35.

Filigree drop necklace, $35.

Oooooh, twinkles! For the sake of comparison (don't laugh too hard!), here's a picture of the very first item I sold in the shop. I took it sitting at the dining room table, using artificial light, and I didn't know what the macro setting was:

It's like night and day, almost literally because that old one is so dark (and I probably DID take it at night). This just goes to show you that even if you start out being really bad at pictures like I was, you'll get better.

I still use the same point-and-shoot digital camera that I had back then, so all of these changes are based on props, lighting, and figuring out how to edit. Should I post a tutorial? I could call it Photo Editing For Impatient People, because that's how I roll.

So let me know if anybody would be interested in that. What's new in your shop? Or on your blog? Anybody else working with some sparkle lately?


  1. I love that you updated us on your shop! Being a new homeowner has had me super busy - but I have great ideas and I'm also planning a photo revamp
    I'd love to see your tutorial. I am also impatient and using just a simple point and shoot.

  2. LOL, Paige! I have to laugh because I recently did a very similar post to yours ( in case you're interested). Our first photos really are rather crumby compared to newer ones. I'm still trying to get mine just right. I'd love some tips...Photo Editing for Impatient People sounds like a post that would be right up my alley!

    Thanks for sharing!

  3. Tutorials are always good, Paige! Plus, your photos are good, so you have something to teach us for sure! Your bling, glitter, shimmer lineup reminded me of my first year in University when I had to present a myriad of shining synonyms, explain the differences and help the audience remember them. Ah, the beauty and richness of the English language cannot be compared to any other!

    1. That sounds like an awesome project! I would've loved that. It's a shame that more people here don't appreciate the language, because it really is amazing.

  4. Shimmer is a good word to describe your items and adds excitement/movement.

    Stopping by from Blogging Buddies

  5. Ha ha I've done a similar post a while back with my HORRIBLE early Etsy pictures. It's a wonder I sold anything at all. We've all stepped up our game significantly. :)

    1. I know right?! I couldn't believe somebody actually bought that. And earrings to match!

  6. i want all of it. especially those hair pins!
    xx jes

  7. I love seeing other people's first shop photos. Mine are exactly the same way. Look at how much we are learning!

  8. I love a good sparkle! And it is cool to look back at where you started to compare! You've certainly come a long way!

  9. Ooooh, shiny! It is a process learning how to photograph stuff nicely. My first photos were hideous too.

  10. Love the hair pins!
    I'd definitely be interested in learning about how you take and edit your photos.
    I might just have to do a before and after photo post too...that might be scary!

  11. Ditto on the hair pins! I'm with Meg- impatient point-and-shooter here, too. In other non-news, my shop is stalled and so is my blog, but LOTS of new stuff on the horizon!

  12. I wrote a post a while back about the progress I've made with my photography. It's a pretty amazing transformation, too. I've written several articles about product photography on HubPages, which have all been well received, so I'd give it a shot.

  13. Lovely little sparkles you have in your shop! I know what you mean about photos. I look at my old photos, and I am so glad I took the time to learn how to use my camera.
    Everyday Inspired

  14. LOVE those hair pins and the drop necklace! I have a crappy point and shoot camera too, and my pictures almost always look heinous before Photoshop. I think people would definitely benefit from a tutorial!

  15. ha HA! I remember those days... the first photos on Etsy... mine were cringe-worthy.

    It's so amazing how much you learn just by doing, over and over again. ;)

    Great post! I did invest in a "fancier" camera, and it gives me a lot of versatility, but it's so true - if you know some basics about taking good pictures, you can take them on any kind of camera and get a great result.
