
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What I Wore Wednesday: Warming Up

Nevermind that my twiggy noodle arms are pale like spaghetti! The weather has been GLORIOUS this week, so yesterday it was time to bust out the first sleeveless top of 2012:

blouse: F21
jeans: F21
shoes: Payless (several years ago)
necklace: I made it

I think this was also the first day I wore pants that aren't skinny jeans. How adventurous of me.

Even though we had a really mild winter without much snow, this was still the one of the first days I spent some time outside by myself. I wandered around the historical neighborhood for a while, rockin' my sunglasses that take up half my face:

I wasn't kidding.

I like how huge they are, but the main reason I bought them? My eyelashes don't hit the lenses. I don't know if mine are freakishly long or what, but I have trouble finding shades where the lenses are far enough away from my face. I feel like that's a weird problem to have.

Anyway, how's the weather in your neck of the woods? (We're supposed to hit 75 today!) Anybody else busting out some sleeveless tops and giant sunglasses? Or enjoying some outdoorsy activities?


  1. Your hair looks so pretty! I love the flared jeans...super cute! And the green flats with the basic colors of the rest of the outfit are pretty perfect!

    1. Aww, thanks about the hair! This was after my walk and it was actually a little snarly. Good to know it still photographed okay! :-)

  2. Cute - I love the touch of green with the shoes, perfect for spring! It was so nice yesterday, we took our son on his first big nature walk of the year :)

  3. It was an awesome winter in Iowa too...great temps and not much snow! We're hitting 70s and 80s this week too!!!
    Love how your green shows add just the right pop of color :)

  4. We got some fantastic weather too! I love wearing big sunglasses because they cover half my face =D

  5. lovely spring outfit, love the green shoes! it is getting warm here in denver too - 70's for the next few days! i am pretty excited to retire tights and bring on the sandals :)


    p.s. take a peek at my lovely necklace - giveaway -

  6. The shoes are the perfect compliment to the outfit!

  7. Gorgeous outfit! It has been in the 60s and 70s here this week, too. Jake and I have been getting out for walks, which feels great.

  8. Beautiful! Love those green shoes peaking out there too. It was supposed to get to 80 today, and it kind of felt like it too; I took a quick run (in my car-lol) to the PO. But I wasn't looking as cute as you in my brother's soccer shorts from 10 years ago.

  9. Its been storming for a few days here...but I love the rain so im always sad to see it go.

    I love the hint of color with the green shoes!

  10. I just happen to love those sunglasses even if they take up half of your face! I love big ones too-- not for the eyelash reason, but just because they're fun! We've been having amazing 80 degree weather here! Spring is definitely here in Baltimore! :)

  11. My eyelashes do the same thing, it's quite annoying! I wish we had 75 degree weather again, it's already in the high 80's in my hometown.

    I love your blouse, it's so cute!

    xo, Megan

  12. I am in agreement - the green shoes make the outfit! Really cute. A little cool here for sleeveless but I am ready for Spring. Not holding my breath for snow is forcast within the week. lol

  13. Yes, we've had warmer weather too and yes, my pale noodle arms have been on full display! Hahaha. My eyelashes hit my glasses and sunglasses too. It is annoying. And almost all sunglasses look like that on me because I guess I have a tiny head? I don't know, but glasses are always large on me. Super cute outfit. :)

  14. That is so funny but you are so right! I hate my eyelashes hitting my lenses.
