
Friday, March 16, 2012

Eleven Things

Whew! It's been a long week. As much as I like being back in school, the homework for drafting is a huge time suck. Couple that with a big jewelry order and the fact that Hubsey is out of town for work AGAIN (just when there's condo business to be dealt with, too) and you've got one tired girl.

I was worried I wouldn't have anything fun to write about today, but luckily Heidi tagged me yesterday and now it's my turn for...

Eleven Things!

one Post these rules.
two Post a photo and the eleven random things.
three Answer the questions provided by the one who tagged you.
four Create eleven new questions for the people you tag.
five Go to their blog (or Facebook or Twitter) and tell them they’ve been tagged.

Random x 11:

1. Before Hubsey and I started dating for real, we went on a date without me realizing it. We went to Second City for some comedy, and on the train back to campus he was being all smiley and like, "So, should we do this again?" And I was all, "Do what?" It was his birthday, too.

2.  I used to be on the radio! My degree is actually in broadcasting (with a minor in journalism), and I was on the air for a little over 4 years. Radio turned out to be one of those things you need to LOVE if you're going to do it, and it just wasn't for me.

3. I watch a lot of terrible TV while I work, including but not limited to: Teen Mom, The Real Housewives of [Insert City Here], and Hoarders. There are a few legitimately good shows sprinkled in too, like Parks and Recreation and Mad Men (which returns on the 25th!)

4. I only cut my hair two or three times a year. It's so frizzy and weird that leaving it alone works better than too much maintenance. It only took me most of my life to figure that out.

5. Hello, my name is Paige and I'm a control freak. I don't work well in groups, I hate it when I'm not in charge, and I never feel like other people will do it right.

6. I've never had a pet.

7. I love beer, especially of the European variety. Stella and Peroni are favorites.

8. I am afraid of the following things: clowns, spiders, bees (never been stung!), and marionettes. On a more rational level, I'm afraid of my business not growing the way I want it to.

9. I've lived in the Midwest my entire life. I was born in Iowa, then we moved to Indiana, and now I'm on my 5th city in Illinois. We moved around a lot when I was younger, and I never really know what to say when people ask me where I'm from. I've started saying Chicago just to keep it simple, but that's not totally accurate.

10. I could give up meat tomorrow and not miss it. Well, maybe turkey. I could make an exception for turkey.

11. The scariest movie I've ever seen was The Strangers. I foolishly saw it when I lived alone, and I was so freaked out that I slept with the lights on for over a week.

My paparazzi husband. I didn't even hear the camera.

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Here are my answers to Heidi's questions:

1. Where is your favorite place in the whole world?
I have a few: Hawaii, Chicago, and the upper peninsula of Michigan.

2. Do you call it soda or pop?


3. What is your favorite song of all time?

This is nearly impossible to narrow down, but I guess I'll say "Konstantine" by Something Corporate.

4. Do you prefer cooking or dining out?

Dining out. Which is weird because I watch the Food Network like it's my job, but I don't love to cook.

5. What 's the best experience you've ever had in your lifetime?

It's a tie between getting married and starting my jewelry business.

6. Any pets?

Sadly, no. Hubsey is allergic to most pet fur.

7. What's the most important part of your day?

I really like hanging out with the Hubs after work. Even if we're not really doing much, it's still fun.

8. Favorite artist?

Caravaggio, for his use of light.

9. If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?

I want to be the next Martha Stewart, except without the insider trading. CEO of a major lifestyle brand would be pretty sweet.

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My questions:

1. What's your favorite word?
2. If you could have a super power, what would it be?
3. Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?
4. If your computer vanished tomorrow, what would you miss the most about it?
5. When's your birthday?
6. What's your earliest memory?
7. One thing you love about yourself?
8. What's your favorite blog (besides your own, of course)?
9. Where do you want to be in five years?
10. Favorite color?
11. Your best advice?

Tag! You're it: Jenna, Rose, Marilyn, and Anabel.


  1. Hi! Visiting from the Etsy Blogging team. I LOVE the covered bridge photo. Gorgeous!

  2. So you're one of those people who fear clowns... *rubs her round, red nose maliciously*
    Thank you for gracing me for your tag!
    I'm enjoying this little game, actually —people share such delicious details!

  3. Ahhh! Hey you joined Twitter. Yay! I must make a mental note to follow you. *Mental note made*
    Also, I have to admit I've been tagged, 4 times I think now. (I AM A HORRIBLE PERSON for not doing this yet!!) I am so freaked out that I won't be able to think of 11 random facts and questions! BUT...I really am going to make an attempt to post this over the weekend. :) Thanks for tagging me!

    You and your hubby should get a hairless cat...he won't be allergic to that. :p They are the weirdest looking creatures...but in a creepy cute way.

    I love the sneaky paparazzi photo your hubby took!
    Stella and Peroni are a couple of my faves Stella comes in a pretty glass.


  4. Great answers! I am sooooo bad at being tagged though, I'm gonna have to give this some thought. I also LOVE watching the Food Network but I'm not so great in the kitchen, how does that happen?

  5. Fun! I am also #5. Other people are just NOT going to do it right.

  6. Fun post!
    I love your wedding photo!
    I think you need a hairless cat...everyone needs a pet :)
    Hello, my name is Edi...and I'm a control freak too :)

  7. um, great post.
    especially because your #3 and my #3 looks exactly the same!
    happy friday!
    xx jes

  8. It was great to read a bit more about you! I'm with you on the clown thing- add in dolls too. And I'm also a totally sucker for teen mom!

  9. I don't know where to say I'm from either. I am from Chicago originally, but I've spent most of the last 11 years elsewhere (Indiana, Iowa, and now Wisconsin). Usually I say that I live in Milwaukee but that I'm from Chicago.

    Hawaii is also one of my favorite places.

    Thanks for tagging me! I'll try to find time to post this on my blog.

  10. Girl, I am a total control freak too. I get it. Also, I say soda, not pop. My sister (who lives in Indianapolis, mind you), said that makes me a bad Chicagoan. And I did say it growing up, but when I moved away people made fun of me, so soda it was (and it stuck). I think I might have to bring pop back though. :)

  11. Loved this! Andrew and I definitely had the same thing happen as you and your husband with the first date, but probably 5 instead of 1. I'm also a Midwesterner! I grew up in Goshen, Indiana (maybe we went over this already and I just totally forgot). So I've spent a lot of time in Chicago in my lifetime, and we think we'll eventually move back at some point. Oh, and by the way, I totally suck at counting because I only asked 9 questions... whoooooops. :)
