
Monday, March 19, 2012

Nap Town

I kind of wish there was a place you went specifically for taking naps (aside from the couch), but Nap Town is what some people call Indianapolis. And that's where I was this weekend! Visiting my sister was a nice way to end a stressful few days.

We did a smattering of vintage-themed activities, including a mid-century modern furniture store, a vintage clothing shop, and a meandering walk around a historical neighborhood.

I started playing my favorite game in the furniture store: Where Would I Put This If We Had A House? This sweet orange love seat would be great in a foyer, or in my forthcoming giant workspace. Neither of which exist right now. And that's too bad, because it was only $195. 

Some fun dishware, and they appeared to have the entire set:

I've never seen a TV like this before! I couldn't get a good picture because of other furniture in front of it, but it was sitting on cool spindly legs. Kind of like a giant spider, but not terrifying.

My sister and I (plus Mom!) took a turn around the historic North Side of town. That imaginary future house of mine has a wrought iron fence like this one:

I love everything about this one: the windows, the pergola, the brick siding, the bits of green near the roof...

Amidst the homes of yore was a distinctively modern design. I like it! I'd be curious to see how they finished the inside.

And finally, there was THIS situation at the vintage clothing store. Note how it gives me that attractive bobble head look:

And wouldn't ya know, it was one of the few things that came close to fitting me. My sister had better luck and bought a dress that would belong in Joan's closet on Mad Men. Very fabulous.

So how was your weekend? Anybody else take a little trip? Or find some awesomely bad vintage clothes? Or a couch you don't have room for?


  1. Cool TV! That dress would be perfect for a prom/Halloween themed party :)

  2. Nap Town sounds lovely. I would like to live in Nap Town. :)
    That little bench-like pair of chairs is DREAMY!! I have a house and I wouldn't be able to use it because my house feels so tiny and full!
    The tea set and TV are amazing! I've never seen so many retro items in one spot...then again...I live in Jacksonville and we don't have much in terms of thrift stores. I'm loving your "bobble head" ensemble. It looks like a dress someone would wear to a prom in a "flashback scene" in a movie. It looks like you had a fabulous time!!

    1. This might sound weird, but I actually figured that FL would be good for thrifting because so many seniors live there! I guess everybody downsizes before they move. :-)

  3. This dress just gave me a flashback to my 5th grade "graduation", oh my.

  4. Such a cool vintage shop..looks like you had fun!

  5. Looks like a ton of fun! I want both of those houses!

  6. It looks like a fun weekend! I hope that you get your dream house someday.

  7. Super fun trip! I love that tv! Probably totally impractical, but it would definitely be a great statement piece in a house. Then again, I might need to live in a place larger than a row house for that thing to fit!

    1. It was actually pretty small! The TV screen was only 14" or 15" wide.

  8. Looks like a fun weekend!

  9. What a lovely early spring! I didn't know they called Indianapolis Nap Town, it sounds so sweet to me! I would love to live in Nap Town. Haha. You must have had a great and busy time!

  10. Ah, I love everything about this post! Especially that cute cup and saucer :)

  11. What a lovely early spring! I didn't know they called Indianapolis Nap Town, it sounds so sweet to me! I would love to live in Nap Town. Haha. You must have had a great and busy time!
