
Monday, April 23, 2012

Shop Update: Handbags & Hot Colors

How is it already Monday?! I feel like I blinked and the weekend was over. It was a blur of jewelry (the wedding expo went pretty well) and helping Hubsey pick out new shirts for work (which did not go as well because he only found one he liked, ugh). But since you're not here to read about menswear, let me show you the new goodies I made before the expo.

First, I'm trying my hand at purse-making! I love selling vintage purses when I can find them, but I felt like it was time for a permanent clutch collection. So far we have tan and black:

Shabby chic bridesmaid clutch, $25

This is my rendition of The Heart of the Ocean. But more practical. And not lost at sea because Rose threw it overboard. This one has never been in sea water.

Vintage inspired bridal pendant, $45

And it only took me two years to do it, but I finally made a companion piece to one of my bestsellers. Ladies and gentlemen, the pearl cluster bracelet:

Pearl cluster bracelet, $30

I've been slowly adding more to Oh Nostalgia, too, but there's still a lot to go. Time to get on that. These are two of my recent favorites, since I'm apparently getting into a colorful phase:

Purple estate style earrings, $20

Red rhinestone earrings, $20

So how was your weekend? Anybody else have a futile shopping trip? Or add some stuff to your shop? What new things are you working on lately?


  1. Wow. The pearl cluster bracelet is stunning! And... well, everything else as well :)))

    My weekend was marked by Earth Day and it finished with my photo making it to the front page on Etsy! Excuse my excitement but it is a first for me! :))

  2. I had a small shop update too. Your stuff looks great, and I'm loving the purses (esp black =D). The purple in those Estate earrings is sooo nice!

  3. Ohhhhh, nice clutch!! I love it, and I bet you sell tons. Glad to hear the wedding expo went well, too!

  4. lovely new pieces! I think that those clutches will do well, they are very pretty :)


  5. Your new pieces are so pretty! I love the purple estate style earrings. Glad the expo went well!

  6. LOVE the pearl cluster bracelet. So classy!

  7. Very feminine! As you know I was stuck at a church bake sale all weekend, but my husband go to go estate sale-ing alone ( a scary thing)and he didn't do too bad! I don't want to know what he didn't get tho'! I did squeeze in an antique sale on Friday night and I got the sweetest mint green ruffled petticoat ever!

  8. Love that pearl cluster bracelet and way to go on the purses! I need to add some new items too. Glad to hear the expo went well. xo

  9. I'm glad that the expo went well even if the shopping trip wasn't as successful. Your new jewelry and purse all look great! I think that the pearl cluster bracelet will do well.

    Jake worked both days this weekend. We did get out to a friend's birthday BBQ on Saturday. I listed this last night:

  10. Thanks for the bracelet love, everybody! :-)

  11. The tan clutch with the lace is gorgeous! Love that cluster bracelet too!
    So glad the wedding expo went well!
    I do all the clothes shopping for my hubby - thankfully he likes everything I buy :)

  12. Hi paige.....i love that clutch....hugs ilaria

  13. You are so talented!!! Wow!

  14. Rose was such a fool for throwing that overboard. No, Rose, I'm sure your grandkids didn't want to go to college anyway.

    I found you through Kirsten at Through the Front Door and realized we also have another sponsor, By The Book Paper, in common. So clearly I love you and your site already.

    Excited to be your newest follower!
    Dana |

  15. The clutches are cute! They definitely match with the style of your shop.

  16. very nice items :) love the clutch!

  17. love the clutch, it's so pretty with the lace detail


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