
Friday, April 6, 2012

Studio Progress

So, you may recall that in February I started updating my studio/office/the guest room (yep, I have to share). It started with some furniture shuffling and adding storage, but now I've moved onto the decorating and organizing part of the mission. When we left off, things looked like this:

Kind of naked and boring. Marvin the Dinosaur was trying to make it fabulous, but then I realized a painting probably shouldn't be kept in direct sunlight. So he had to scoot. Instead, I put together a DIY bulletin board and dug through our stash of artwork. Now things are coming together:

Those little canvases are waiting to be painted. They'll also be hung up. Eventually.

And since I've never really taken you guys on an official tour of my workspace, let me properly introduce you. First, we have the stack of books I use for my photo shoots. The purple one on top is actually my iPhone charger, and has now become a little landing pad for miscellaneous goodies (you can see that I didn't end up giving the desk calendar to Hubsey after all):

On the other side of my desk is a mishmash of writing utensils, paint brushes, and some craft knives--all kept in various glassware. Next to it is my bucket o' cords:

For those wondering how I keep all of my jewelry parts organized (or in some semblance of order) I say, tiny containers! Any kind will do:

See, just because I make a small product doesn't mean I use fewer materials. The bits might be small, but MY are there a lot of them to keep track of now. Good thing I have more storage.

So that's where it is now. Those three little canvases perched on top of the key print are next on my list. (which means they might be done by June, ha). What's your studio like? Are you doing any re-vamping this spring? If you could have any workspace you wanted, what would it be?


  1. It looks great! Poor Marvin got the boot! Where did he end up? Everything is so organized..I'd imagine this set up makes for a pretty streamlined work day. Not to mention a fun one because the space has a good vibe to it!

    1. Marvin is actually still in that room, he's just over by the printer now, safe from the bleaching rays of the sun! I can't have him getting faded, especially since he was really hard to track down in the first place.

      And yes, this setup is SO much better than what I had before! :-)

  2. Looks great, lovely place to work!! Great organization too! :) Thanks for sharing.

  3. This is looking awesome! And so glad you decided to keep the calendar for yourself-- that is a fabulous find! If I snapped photos of my studio in progress right now it would be awful. It looks like a bomb went off in the room because I don't have proper storage yet! Loving the bucket o' sharpies. I have a bit of a sharpie addiction so naturally my eye went straight to those.

  4. I love your work space! Mine is functional but not nearly as visually pleasing as your new space. You've inspired me to work on making it a space that I would love to work in. Have a great weekend!
    Lori In Atlanta

  5. I would love to have my own room where I just kept all of my supplies and I can just work and take pictures out of. Looks like you get some good natural light in there. :)

  6. Your room is looking great! Good luck with the canvases. I'm pretty happy with my storage and work spaces and am not planning any major overhauls any time soon. My spaces are very functional and don't have a lot of inspiration stuff up or anything. I wish that I had the motivation to do more of that.

  7. It's looking great! I love getting a sneak peek into the work spaces of other artists. And you know something weird? I have that same wooden tray from Michael's spray painted turquoise but oddly enough I glued that very same printed paper down to the base. I use it to display at craft shows.

    1. That's crazy! I take mine off the desk and use it at shows too! It holds hair pieces.

  8. Great use of the space! The photos you added look really awesome. I have to share space too, my office area is in the bedroom, but it's not half as organized as yours!

  9. It looks great! And you are SO organized! Def referring to this when I finally get around to my workspace makeover.

  10. I love that it is cool looking, functional, and still so clean. Great work, it has been fun to see your space evolve this year.

  11. I love everything you have done, but where is Marvin now?

    1. Marvin is next to my printer, which is on a different wall. Had to keep him out of the sun!

  12. It's coming together great!
    I like how I have my space set just needs to be about 3 times as big!!! And shelves...walls and walls of shelves :)

  13. It's looking really cute! I love all the personal touches, my work place is a mess right now, maybe aye should clean a bit lol


  14. almost missed this..........thanks to kristen for giving me a heads up.....there's my little boomerang print on your! thanks paige.

  15. ps- love that little perpetual calendar!

  16. You work space is lovely and so clean and bright. I have a great studio, but unfortunately it's in my basement so no natural light. I hope you enjoy your new space and finding it inspiring.
    Everyday Inspired

  17. Paige--your studio looks fabulous! What a wonderful place to be creative!
    have a great week,
