
Monday, April 16, 2012

Worry Wart

Yesterday I was having a hard time figuring out what to write. I tried several different things and none of them really stuck, so instead of forcing it, I've decided to just talk about what's on my mind.

I'm a worry wart. If there's a chance something could go wrong, no matter how minor, I think about it. It's especially annoying when I have an actual issue to be concerned with, because then I really can't get it out of my head. My problem this time is business-related, and I don't want to be a Debbie Downer for those of you who are looking to be self employed soon, but I feel like you need to know about this side of it, too. Shizz happens, as they say.


It started a couple of months ago when a blog I'd been advertising with since the beginning went on semi-hiatus and removed all of our ads. Unfortunately for me, this blog was a huge source of orders for both shops, and I still haven't figured out how to fill the hole it left. I didn't have all of my eggs in that particular basket, so I'm still doing okay, but there's been a definite drop since it happened. I know that business is always changing and we need to be prepared, but I still felt really blindsided by this (literally: we were given less than a week's notice).

I've been looking for different blogs and registering for more shows, which are the right things to do in this situation, but I'm still all paranoid. It's so hard not to worry about it, especially since I'm home alone most days and my mind is free to wander. "Oh, are you feeling more stable? Go cry at your desk!" "That's a pretty new bracelet. Too bad nobody will ever see it!" It would almost be better if the drop was from something I did wrong, because the random lack of control made it worse.

Anyway, that's my deal. I still haven't gotten things back to normal and I'm stressed about it. They'll get there eventually but it can't come fast enough.

I know I'm not the only one with concerns, so let's have ourselves a little worry party in the comments. Is there anything you want to unload? Worried about your shop/blog/business? Anybody have some motivational tips to share with the class? Have you been in a similar situation? How'd you fix it?


  1. I worry about everything, all the time! It's kind of ridiculous. I'm worried that my new blog series isn't going to be as popular as I'd like, I'm worried I'll never make above the poverty-level with my business, I'm worried that my one bread-and-butter client will find something to be unhappy about... It goes on and on!
    And yeah, being home with no one else around = a lot of free time to worry about EVERYTHING. =[

  2. Slow down, calm down. Don't worry, don't hurry.

    Trust the process.

  3. Ah, self employment. It's a roller coaster for sure. All you can do is move forward...keep moving forward :)

  4. I stress about everything and anything. I am trying to get better about this, but it's hard!
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  5. Girl I feel ya, I'm such a worry wort! I feel so bad for my husband since we own a boutique together and I'm constantly freaking about something. What helps me is tea and reminding myself that I'm doing what I love.

  6. I appreciate your honesty! As someone looking to go full-time with my shop, it's important to think abou these things.
    I'm a worrier too...and a planner to the end, so when things don't go as they should, I'm a basket case. I'm right there with you :)

  7. ohhh Paige, it's just a little bump in the road??? I hope! Not worried about anything in particular these days, just trying to keep up with all that needs to be done with the blog, the booth, the house, the yard, the critters.... I stay so busy! But I guess keeping busy will hopefully keep me out of trouble.
    good luck girl, I hope things look up real soon!
    ps anything My Repurposed Life can do to help?

  8. So sorry to hear that. :( I'm glad that your eggs weren't all in that basket and that you're able to find something to fill the void. I'm definitely a worrier, too. Even when things are going well, there's always that "what if?"

  9. Uk, that really sucks. And I'm glad to hear things in your world aren't always perfect- too many bloggers only report the good (which is great for some), and not that I like to hear bad news, but it's good to know others struggle sometimes too and I'm not the only one feeling frustrated, etc. I am sorry to hear about your misplacement though. I guess it might be good- give you a kick in the pants to do what you're doing and you might find a few better options that result in even more sales!

  10. I understand. I think I could win a gold medal in worrying. I tend to worry about every piece I make and every business decision I make. I try to work on it though and tell myself good things.

    I hope you get the ad situation figured out soon.

  11. You are definitely not alone. I worry all the time! I also don't talk about it much but I'm constantly worried about how I'm gonna get by in between paychecks. Every payday the money is mostly gone because it's all going to bills. Then I worry about if I'll ever get out of this hole and not have to work my day job anymore. I try not to stress over my blog, but I do. I can get overwhelmed pretty easy.

  12. Thanks, you guys! I'm feeling a lot better about it today. At least we all know we're not the only chronic worriers out there, right? Now if only we could relax...

  13. I think anxiety just comes with the territory of being self-employed. My poor bf has listened to me have many panic attacks over the years, sometimes major things, sometimes just everyday stuff. You will find a way to make it work. :)

  14. You're not alone; those money worries trouble me too. I fret and fret over my contributions to our funds. I wish you well and hope your cares are eased soon. It's never any fun to worry over money.
