
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

I'm Baa-aaaack!

This is my excited face! I'm considerably less stoked right now, though, because after a week of sunshine and little babies in California, I'm back to work. In the picture I'm at Disneyland, and if I recall, we were about to go find a roller coaster.

Aside from getting my Mickey on, here's what else I was up to. The family rented a beach house for the week (cheaper than a hotel!) and the water was about 100 yards from our front door:

The Hubster and I spent a day at the Getty Museum, which was almost entirely built out of travertine limestone (and also houses some pretty nice artwork):

This next one isn't an activity so much as an observation. California has a lot of awesome plants that would probably die if I tried to grow them in Illinois, like this green popcorn-lookin' thing, also at the Getty:

And of course, there was the food. Lots of delicious sea creatures, like the cioppino I had the last night we were in town:

There was also a little bit of sunburn (my ankles and left shoulder, figure that one out), but overall it was nice to get away and partially unplug. I didn't blog, I didn't Tweet, and I barely got on Pinterest! I kept up with customer correspondence, and that was about it.

But now I have a to do list with 600 things on it, which is usually how it goes after a week off the grid. Time to make a pile of orders, catch up on my blogs, and do all of that pesky laundry that's still in the suitcase.

How was your week? Did you do anything fun while I was gone? Anybody else do some traveling for the holiday?


  1. What an awesome trip! I'm glad you got time to get away and unplug :)

  2. Looks like your week was totally memorable & fun. Cheers to crossing several 100 things off the to do list this week!

  3. Looks like such a fun trip! And I loove that shirt that you have on!

    1. Thanks! It's thrifted, but originally from American Eagle (which is hilarious because I've never loved their clothes except for this).

  4. Oh how I miss California. Glad you had fun!

  5. Looks like a great week to sit out and soak up some sun! Sounds like a nice time with the family.

  6. Sounds like it was a lot of fun! Welcome back! =D

  7. I love LA. The Getty is amazing.

    It's sooooo hard to get back to work after a vaca. I'm
    still in unmotivation mode and I was only out of town on Sunday!

  8. Looks like you had fun! I love to sit by the ocean and just listen to the waves. The east coast got way hot all of a sudden last weekend. Summer is here, like it or not. :)

    1. Apparently that happened here, too! We heard from folks at home that it was about 100 while we were gone. Crazytown!

  9. Hi darling,your picts are beautiful....and you're fantastic with your excited a child :D bye bye ila

  10. Ahhh, looks so fun! I love Disneyland. Glad you enjoyed yourself some California :)

  11. Good for you taking the time to unplug! I am really bad about that. It looks like you had a great trip. No vacations planned here any time soon, but once Jake gets his residency schedule next month, we will start getting something in the works.

  12. Ha ha, I just noticed how pale I am in my sidebar picture. Look at it compared to the picture in this post. Pasty skin in the house!

  13. sounds like a wonderful time! Actually, that's quite obvious in your excited expression. A beach house right on the beach sounds amazing!

  14. yay! sounds like you had a fabulous time in California :)
    I would give anything for a house right on the beach!!

  15. Sounds like a really good time with family. Great photos!
    Everyday Inspired

  16. oh its so good to have a break from everything isnt it? sounds like you had a great time!!
