
Thursday, May 31, 2012

My Bro Style

It's gotten better in recent years, but when I was in college I tended to dress like a dude. We're talking jeans and a t-shirt everyday, things with skulls on them, hoodies, Chuck Taylors--so not just a dude, an emo dude. I even dyed my hair dark for a while. It was an attractive time.

Thankfully I've come to my senses, but every once in a while... I have a relapse. I was goofing around on Polyvore yesterday, trying to put together some cute outfits inspired by my trip, and I ended up hating all of them except this one:

Boyfriend Chic

It's the beach equivalent of jeans and a t-shirt! With almost-sneakers! And a boy hat!

But seriously, I love this. I would go buy all of it right now (and I could, because everything is pretty affordable). I like how the coral-y red of the shirt is carried through the bangles, and also winks at you from the trim on the boat shoes. The textures from the hat and beaded bracelet add a little more interest to an otherwise basic outfit, which helps this feel more appropriate for somebody my age.

It's definitely inspired by menswear, but in my defense, College Paige would've picked a shirt with a skull on it, so at least I'm not doing that again... Personal growth, people. Right here.

What summery fashions are you digging lately? Anybody else drawn to more masculine styles?


  1. Um....I would kill (not really) to see emo-dude Paige. Talk about polar opposite!

    Super cute outfit you picked out...if I wore shorts I'd wear it in a heartbeat!

    Thanks for the blogging advice :)

    1. I blame it on the fact that I was a radio major. I never had to look nice!

      I should see if there are any pictures on this computer. You would just die.

  2. That straw hat is so California! You should get it! I'm digging the boat shoes! I just scored some this weekend on sale and I'm wearing them now. Love this outfit - I'm just not a hat person... aviators however are my go to!

  3. Love this street look,too lovely!!!
    have a good day Ilaria

  4. What a great outfit! This would look super cute! :-)

  5. That bag cracks me up! I love all of your picks. There is no fashion statement that my husband and I love more than a funny t-shirt. My four years of teaching really pushed me to expand my professional wardrobe, which was much needed after college. I do love a good t-shirt and jeans combo, but I do step it up when the occasion calls for it.

  6. My style has always been tomboy with a bit of girly details thrown in...probably always will be. I think emo Paige and I would've been best buds. :)

  7. so cute. It reminds me of what you'd see on one of the guys in "Royal Pains"!!!

  8. I am loving that color of the shirt. I think I want to find a nail polish in that color. It just screams summer.

  9. I'm a boy dresser all the way. I wear a dress or skirt once or twice a week but I'm usually in jeans and a v-neck! I was an emo boy when I was younger too! haha
    LOVE the outfit you put together! I want it all!!!
