
Friday, June 1, 2012

Pinterest #24

I'm still off on my days since I came back from vacation on a Tuesday, but it is indeed Friday. And that means it's time for Pinterest picks!

First, this chair is one of the most magnificent things I've seen lately. I love, LOVE that the wood is painted blue, too. Normally I'd think it was too match-y, but having it the same color keeps the whole piece from being overwhelming.


Yay for a non-traditional wedding dress! Her shoes and bouquet are cute, too.


Baking has never been my strong point (simultaneously burned yet underdone brownies, anyone?), but I've managed to get one cake under my belt and I want to try another. This fluffy slice of goodness is lemon angel food cake:


We've never had a headboard and irritatingly, all of the ones we like are weirdly expensive. So maybe we could follow this tutorial and DIY one instead:


I could not imagine a more horrifying situation, dude:


And finally, I'm getting a really cool vibe from this dress. Part 1940s retro, part Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty. I think it's the shoulders. (I mean that as a compliment, by the way):


What goodies did you find online this week? Anybody else lusting after lemon angel food cake, or thanking the powers that be that spiders have to crawl AND stay on the ground/walls/ceiling?

Psst! Have a Pinterest profile? Follow me here.


  1. For real. Flying spiders would be terrifying! Love your picks!

  2. Oh man, I just shivered thinking of spiders flying! AH! I already feel like they do cause when they move I FREAK OUT. I hate spiders. They can go to hell.
    Love that headboard! Have a great weekend!

  3. Some spiders can jump. It's my paranoia...

    Anyway, cute finds, and that cake looks awesome!

  4. i love all of your pins, i am especially enjoying that little card about spiders not flying, amen to that! have a great weekend :)


  5. Love the pins! That chair is amazing!

  6. A couple of things: 1) I don't have a headboard either so don't feel too bad. 2) One of my favorite things to eat are the Lemon Loafs from Starbucks. I wonder if this Angel cake is any better? :)

  7. That cake looks so good and I love the blue frame on the chair too. And I'm all for non-traditional wedding dresses...actually, it's only been a "tradition" for brides to wear white for a relatively short time in history. I know people say that white gowns became popular with Queen Victoria in the 1800s, but most women were still not wearing them for generations after that. My grandmother said when she got married, no one was wearing long white gowns like they do that's really no time at all.

  8. That chair looks so cozy, and I love non traditional wedding dresses. That's such a great wedding picture.

    Thanks for linking up with me!

  9. Lovely picks! I know what you mean about the expensive taste you can't afford thing!!

  10. Hey Paige! I love Pinterest and just followed you!
    The wedding dress is so cool and the shoes are awesome!
    Oh the wonders you can find on Pinterest!

  11. FLYING SPIDERS????!! NOOOO!! I'm counting my blessings :).

    That chair is a great find. Me want.

  12. Fabulous finds, Paige!
    You are right about the chair - the painted wood in matching navy looks great!
    I'm not afraid of spiders at all, but I admit the card is funny :)
    The dress reminds me of the 80s somehow...

  13. Hey! I just found your blog. I've seen most of these on pinterest, except that dress! Holy Maleficent. I actually tried a little jacket on at the mall the other day with shoulders like that. Sadly, it wasn't made well and didn't lay right, but I love, love those pointy shoulders!

  14. Great pins to share. I am in love with that wedding picture. I even love the non-traditional wedding dress.

  15. Fantastic finds! I love lemon cake and that lemon angle food cake sounds tasty.
    Everyday Inspired

  16. Oh, I just love what you find on pinterest and keep on wondering how you find time for that!!

  17. I'll take flying spiders over a rain of frogs.
