
Monday, June 4, 2012

Summer of Savings

I had something of a lightbulb moment on Friday, and decided to issue myself a little challenge this summer!

Full disclosure: I got this idea from my sister-in-law. She's not buying any clothes, shoes, or jewelry for all of 2012. When she told me I was like, "I don't want to do that much, but I can do three months."

I know what you're thinking, "It's not June 1st!" but I haven't broken any of my rules so I figure it's okay to retroactively start a tad late. Plus, the dates sound better this way, ha ha.

Obviously I'm doing this to save some funds, since we're in the middle of buying a house and I feel like I shouldn't be running around spending money willy-nilly. There's also the notion of saving space. We're moving into a bigger house, but our new closets also aren't any larger than what we have now, so I don't want to cram too much in there and not be able to find anything.

There's also the idea of being more creative when buying something new isn't an option. I've done shorter experiments like this in the past, and I always surprised myself by coming up with new outfit combinations. Like a lot of people, I tend to fall into a routine and wear the same pieces together all the time--except when I do self-imposed shopping bans. It's interesting.

It ain't easy being green.

I made up some general guidelines for myself, and for anybody who wants to join in and save some cash. If you don't want to do the whole summer, that's totally cool. Even if you try it for a month or a couple of weeks, come back and tell us how it went. If you've never done anything like this before, I think it'll be eye opening (at least, it was for me).

Anyhoodle, those guidelines.

1. No buying clothes, shoes, or accessories because you're bored, have a party to attend, are making an impulse purchase, found the item on sale, etc.

2. Necessary items, like new work uniforms, are fine to purchase.

3. Clothing for a major life event, like a wedding, also gets the green light.

4. Receiving the items as a gift is allowed if it's actually a holiday/birthday/anniversary. And if they're not a gift from yourself.

So, wish me luck! I think I'll need it. I like the idea of saving money, but I also like shopping. We'll see which side of my brain is victorious.

Does anybody want to join me? Do you have any shopping rules for yourself? Anybody else done a challenge like this in the past? What'd you think?


  1. I'm in! I actually began this a month ago. It's like a diet, I find that the anticipation of buying is more fun than the actual buying. I saw your post on blogging buddies, btw.

  2. I should really get in on this. There are two things though - for a vacation, I wonder if they'd be allowed. A long sleeve sun shirt to protect my pasty self from the Dominican Sun and white pants...

    We are still on our Free House Projects only kick, it's going pretty good.

    1. Since those have a legit sun-protection purpose, I think they'd be okay! I wish I'd worn something like that in California because I got a little burned on one of the really sunny days. Whoops! When's your trip?

    2. First week of July! I'm so excited, it's for a wedding. I can rash from the sun sometimes so I want a cute top for when I need to cover up.

  3. Oh, I so need to do this! I just got on my husband's case for spending money, and now I have a list of things I want for myself! However, I will refrain. I don't need any new clothes until the end of summer when I've been (aHem!) working out consistently for a few months, anyway! My main trouble will be not buying beading components!

  4. Good luck! I've heard of people doing challenges like this before. However they are a little more flexible with the recycling and making 2nd hand purchases from the Salvation Army and such (you can find good stuff there!). Don't worry, I'm sure it'll all go quick! :)

    1. Man, I hope so. I thought about allowing thrifting, but since I get so much of my clothes that way I feel like it would be cheating. Le sigh.

  5. I'm in! No clothes, no shoes, no jewelry for June, July and August.

    This is a great way to save money. It may also motivate me to exercise till I comfortably fit into some great things I already own. :)

  6. This is an awesome idea! I'm not sure I can jump on bored this month because I need some new shoes and I loooooove thrifting, but I'm going to be more conscious about shopping for sure. :)

  7. Good Luck! I work part-time at The Loft so it's really difficult for me to not buy something within 3 months. I use the excuse of "well..I need to stay in style of the season"

  8. Sounds like a good challenge. I have imposed a cash only challenge on unnecessary items this summer.

  9. You can sooo do this! I know you can! Can't wait to hear the progress!

  10. Wow, great challenge! I went for a year purchasing everything from within 100 miles, which limited what I could get (although purchasing locally was sometimes more costly). Good luck! What an inspiration!

    1. Oooh, that's so interesting! I've heard of people doing that for holiday shopping, but for a whole year--dang.

  11. Wow, you are braver than me! Truth be told, I generally don't shop much at all anyways (going out to eat is usually the culprit), but this summer I am working towards getting a job, so I will want some new pieces for my wardrobe - and a bathing suit, haha!

    Best of luck though! This sounds like such a cool idea! Perhaps I will do a Fall challenge? ;)

  12. Best of luck!! Since we moved to Milwaukee and I've been working from home, I've been pretty disciplined about not buying new clothes. I still have tons of casual clothes from college and lots of professional outfits from teaching and really don't need a lot else. I've limited most purchases to little items to fill in the gaps. It's not always easy, though!

  13. Good luck :)
    I could easily do the whole year thing. I'm really more of an essentials buyer anyway. And now that I'm also self-employed (woooohoooo!), it will be even easier :)

  14. That sounds like a fun experiment! I'd join you, but I'll probably end up doing that anyway. I'm really not a big shopper and tend to go on a clothes shopping spree each season every few years, but usually it's ONLINE. Hahaha...I HATE the mall!

  15. Good luck with the challenge! We just purchased our first home and understand what you mean about buying non-essentials.

  16. You should know that I failed at this today.

  17. Good luck on the challenge! I've given up buying fabric for Lent -- tough going!

  18. oh thats brave!!! goodluck with the challenge...i think we can all do with a challenge like this!

  19. Very admirable goals, Paige!!
    I don't buy on impulse anymore and overall I've cut down
    on clothing expenditures.
    This year, however, I need to invest in a new outfit, because
    I am invited to a destination wedding :)

  20. Girl I would love to join you...but oh my goodness, I don't know if I have the strength to do it! But, one thing to keep you going: think of all the beautiful things you can buy for your new home with the money you save on clothes & accessories!

  21. I didn't really buy anything for the first few months of the year, but recently have decided to start spending a little again. So I guess I'm on the opposite track! I desperately need to replace some things. I got rid of a lot of stuff when we moved last summer, and then didn't buy anything new, well anything practical, like shoes or sunglasses or pajamas, etc. So I'm overdue and need to replace wardrobe staples. Good luck!

  22. I will join you! I went the whole month of May not buying any clothes, shoes, or jewelry and I think I can go the rest of the summer no problem. What I really need to stop buying is book, I think I am going to try to not buy any books for the rest of the month of June :) Good luck on you challenge, you may find it easier then you think.
    Everyday Inspired
