
Friday, May 18, 2012

Pinterest #23

Happy Friday! Let's get right to bid-ness, this week's Pinterest picks.

I get all squishy about nurseries in general, but this little vignette is especially delightful. And now I think a yellow chevron dresser needs to be in my house.

Here are 14 recipes for delicious cheese dips. You're welcome.

This peachy-pink t-shirt dress looks comfortable, and I think it would be really versatile. The turquoise necklace is nice with it, too.

Along with that yellow chevron dresser, I'd also like some fancy front doors like these. There are several layers of trim, the glass is etched, there are leaves on the chandelier... The more I look at them the more I notice.

And finally, this swanky bedroom for an 11-year-old used to be a laundry room! Plus, that's a magenta armoire.

So what fun stuff did you find on Pinterest (or otherwise) this week? What are you up to this weekend?  Anybody starting it early and giving yourself the day off? Hubsey is working from home today and Monday because of the NATO summit in Chicago, so I'm hoping we can squeeze in some outdoor time while it's so nice. See you guys on Monday!

Follow me on Pinterest here.


  1. Great Pinterest picks! I didn't have much time this week to visit Pinterest too much, so thanks for sharing your finds!! :)

  2. Like Trina I didn't have any time this week to check Pinterest. An 11 year old got a room like that? That's a far cry from what my room looked like at that age ;-)
    I like the stuffed toys in the bucket. Cute!

  3. Great finds! I have steered away from Pinterest because I was spending way too much time there! LOL

    Stopping by from Blogging Buddies

  4. Love that peach t-shirt dress - great color for summer! And - WOW - 14 cheese dips recipes??? So cool! Great picks. =)
    from Blogging Buddies

  5. I just saw that room on YHL, and though, um, for a teen? I want it! LOL. And I've always wanted to paint a piece of furniture all funky like that but have never had the guts. Hmn...

  6. I want that 11 year old's room! I love the carpet!

    I was really in to home libraries this week and created a new board for books:

    I also found a recipe for restaurant-style salsa that I am going to make this weekend:

  7. That chevron dresser is amazing, and those cheese recipes will keep anyone busy for quite a while!

    I just found this recipe today:

    I was not following you on Pinterest until just now! How did that happen?!

    Link up your Friday Feature with me!

  8. Great pinterest picks! I love the peach dress! And now I really want some cheese dip in my life. Looks soooo good.

  9. Oh my, if only I had more time, I would dig into Pinterest...

  10. i LOVE that chevron little dresser! it is amazing, and i think i need one in my apartment. great pinterest finds as usual!


  11. I did start my weekend early :) Took Friday off...woohoo!
    Love the chevron and magenta unique!

  12. Fun collection! I am gong to have to try one of those dips. The door image is lovely, I always love old interesting doors.
    Everyday Inspired
