
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Shield Your Eyes! Aaaah!

A few weeks ago I showed you a mood board for our master bedroom, the place where furniture goes to die. It's the only room we haven't really decorated, because it isn't seen by other people as much and the other spaces got first dibs. But now its number is up and I've started working on a few things! Before I get too much done, I want to show you what we're rocking now so you can get a full sense of the issues.

Be warned, it's... not great.

First we have the bed, accented by a picture that's way too small. It could also use a headboard and some bedding that's sized for a queen mattress, instead of a full/queen situation that doesn't cover the sides.

Across from the bed is my library. The books used to be in the office/guest room, but after the biz expanded and required more stuff, they got shoved in here for lack of a better spot. Also pictured: the exercise ball, a Swiffer, and our old mirror. Keepin' it real.

This is Hubsey's nightstand, which was in my childhood bedroom. Where is his old one? Why, he didn't have one until I moved in! He would just pile stuff on the floor. Also, that lamp isn't even plugged in; it's just another unwanted office item that got the shaft.

And this is my nightstand. I got it at a flea market and Hubsey thought I was insane buying a red one, but I really like the contrast with all of the neutrals in here. I'll bring more of that in. Oh, and there's no lamp on it. That also needs to change.

And finally, on the same wall as the bookshelves, we have the dresser. It's another mismatched relic from my childhood. It needs to be refinished, or painted, or sold on Craigslist to somebody who has a thing for '90s oak.

So. Now you know my ugly little secret. Slowly but surely, like a snail making its way up the driveway, I'm gettin' it done. Do you have a room that hasn't been touched? Or some mismatched furniture you inherited and.... aren't sure what to do with? What's your least favorite room in your house?


  1. Our bedroom is much the same...just a place to sleep. No decorations whatsoever and mismatched furniture...LOL! Unfortunately, no plans to change that in the near future either.
    Oh, and don't forget the trash bags on the windows :) We sleep during the day, so it helps keep the light out!

  2. All that means is that you've got a fun time ahead:) We've got an awful lot of furniture that doesn't quite fit in our space. Right now we're moving things here and there, trying to prioritize what we love vs. what we can let go of (i.e.) pile up in a corner. It's madness!

  3. We definitely have some mismatched furniture. Decorating is expensive and time consuming, so we've taken it one step at a time. Right now my least favorite room is our guest bedroom. It has little kid wallpaper which will be a huge pain if we ever take it down, old paint with a lot of scuff marks, our old full size bed...and not much else. Someday...We've done a lot of decorating and furniture upgrades since we moved so I don't feel too bad about it.

  4. Mismatched isn't necessarily bad. If you paint the dresser, you can make it really cute. I love when things are acquired over time. Much more interesting than the straight-from-the-showroom matchy look! Looks like you have some pieces you can work with.

    1. I don't like the matchy look either. Collected over time is much better, but this stuff just straight up looks weird together. Time for some paint, I think!

  5. ok, just had a thought...........what if you painted a big gray rectangle from bed to ceiling, behind the bed (just width of bed. then a smaller different shade of gray or darker green square above the bed that the picture would go in and help seem larger. It would pull the comforter in more. Then just find a blanket/spread in coordinating color to go under the comforter so it doesn't look so short. i like the comforter and the front pillow is the bomb. that's my two cents.

    1. I like your idea with the paint. And we actually have some gray already because I just painted the hallway.

      Sadly, the duvet won't be staying on our bed. It annoys the crap out of both of us having the sides short like that. But I'm going to hang onto it, because you're right about that pillow. I love it.

  6. Our bedroom is pretty sad too right now. We don't even have a dresser because the old one got destroyed by the movers when we moved. I have no idea what they did, but they must have dropped it off the truck because it was cracked and 2 of the drawers would no longer open. So we got rid of it and didn't bother getting a new one, as we knew we'd only be here a year and we don't know what the next space will be like (hopefully a more permanent situation). I didn't see the point in buying something cheap we'd only use for a year and then get rid of. We do have one chest of drawers and everything else is in the closet, which is not ideal but ok til we move. Oh and we have stacks of books everywhere. I love that your husband never had a nightstand before. That made me laugh.

  7. Much better to do things by stages - that way not as many mistakes get made. Will look forward to seeing the final result.

  8. Our bedroom is just like this! It is pretty much the last room that we've been working on revamping which is sad. Shouldn't bedrooms be the most important since you spend a third of your life in them? Hopefully with the paint job it will motivate us to get our butts in gear on this one!

  9. Oh my word. Unfinished rooms! Our Guest Room/Studio is a wasteland...
    But guess what! We're going to buy all sorts of containers and stands this very weekend! Containers make me so happy, it's almost a disease.

  10. I can so relate! My bedroom is also the sad dumping ground for all those unwanted items. Thanks for the sneak peak into your space. Totally just made me feel better about myself (and your room looks way better than mine!)Happy weekend!

  11. I am not sure I care that much about mismatched furniture as long as it is tastefully mismatched :D Especially when all objects are emotionally charged, they add charm to a room, and I like yours! The picture is so calming, though you can only see it as too small!
