
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Another Jewelry-Making Frenzy

It's hard to believe, but I have my second outdoor show of the year on Saturday. I feel like the first one was last weekend, but nope! It's already been a month. I've been a little quiet online this week, and it's because I'm strapped to my work table, churning out mass inventory to fill the tent. Sometimes I'm jealous of the people who sell furniture and the 4 items they bring, but then I think of the heavy lifting involved. Forget that.

I like having these summer shows because they're a kick in the pants to make new products. I've been too swamped with wedding orders to get anything else done for Little White Chapel (one of my customers has 10 bridesmaids!), but Oh Nostalgia is getting some much-needed love. These will hopefully be in the shop today or tomorrow:

I also busted out higher numbers of some bestsellers, including mix-n-match hair pins and tiny flower earrings:

It can be hard to know what will sell, but those hair pins have been on a roll at shows since last summer, so as long as people still want them, I'll still sell them.

Have you been making new goodies lately? Or prepping for a show? Or wondering why certain things sell in person and other things sell better online? Just when I think I've figured it out, people go and surprise me...


  1. Love all the fun colors in these new items!
    I run into the same thing with online vs.'s so weird!
    Good luck at your show this weekend :)

  2. I love creative frenzies! love the jewelry!

  3. That ring is funky! I like it! :) I'm slowly getting my jewelry groove back. I wish I had shows to prep for but it's probably best that I don't. Good luck!

  4. Where is your show this weekend? I want to come!!!

    1. It's the 3 French Hens market in Morris! Kind of a hike, honestly, but it's a great show with a lot of furniture and tasty food.

  5. Found you on Etsy Blog Team. All your items look great! I am just getting started up but look forward to doing my first show. Can't wait to see what items of mine sell in person. I also just started my blog. Would love you to stop by.

  6. Oh, good luck! What a great time, kicking off the summer craft show season! Take lots of photos:)

  7. Well done. Love all your pieces.

  8. I'm glad that your wedding orders are going well! Good luck with this next show. I am also frequently surprised by what sells well online vs. in person and what items continue to be best sellers. There are a couple lines I would have discontinued a while back but I keep making because they keep selling!

    I really like the ring. That's unique and has such a great pop of color.

  9. Good luck with your show! I know what you mean about inventory, I have had a show every month since February and I never seem to have enough inventory. Your new pieces are lovely!
    Everyday Inspired

  10. so pretty! i love that ring.

  11. Good luck with your show this weekend! Love all your products; no doubt you'll sell lots!

  12. I have a show Saturday too! and I should be pumping out more inventory! I'm taking tomorrow off the day job to work on inventory - all the new display are ready. Good luck! (I LOVE that new ring!)

  13. Looks like you've been super busy and going to be even busier this weekend!
    Hope you have a great show and lots of sales. I love my new ear studs :)

  14. Gorgeous! I'm going to check out your hair clips right now... I just chopped all my hair off so I'm trying to get a list of hair stuff together.

  15. Congratulations for your show! Your creations deserve to be showcased. These accessories look beautiful!

  16. Nice collection! Will definitely be great additions to the wardrobes of those who love to mix and match their outfits with diamond rings, necklaces, and other lovely accessories.
