
Friday, June 8, 2012

Pinterest #25

I actually showed a bit of self control and wasn't on Pinterest every available second this week, and yet, there were still plenty of things for me to choose from for the post today. A lot of them were house-related things, but I'll spare you most of that for now since we aren't even moving for another 6 weeks.

First of all, if you're in the market for some respectable summer oxfords, I suggest you ignore that side of your brain and get these spiky ones instead!

Next, the weather has been SO nice around here that I'm itching to get back outside for another spray paint party in the parking lot (seriously, cannot wait until we have a yard). I have some assorted knickknacks that would benefit from a splash of color, like these did:

I won't show you ALL of the decor pins I found, but these two are my favorites of the week. This bathroom is just stunning, with the steel windows, and the chunky wood vanity, and the contrast with the white...

This kitchen is along the same lines. Lots of dark and light being awesome together (though I think the styling here is a little cluttered):

And finally, I legitimately think about this on a regular basis. For the record, I'm still waiting:

So, how about those spiky shoes? Do you kind of want a pair, if only to have a minor built-in weapon? Because what if you DO get super powers? You'll need to defend yourself from those pesky super-villians. What cool stuff did you find on Pinterest this week? Feel free to share links in the comments.

P.S. You can follow me on Pinterest right here.


  1. LOVE the spiky shoes! They are so not me but I'm surprisingly taken with them. Thanks for sharing!
    Lori D.

  2. Love those shoes....I would definitely wear them with that green camera around my neck while my superpowers of fabulousness ward off all those evil villians!

  3. It's amazing how spray paint can really give new life to things!

    I think we all have our own super powers :) I think mine is multi-tasking! I'm not fighting off any villains...but I'm kicking some serious butt in the efficiency dept. :)

  4. That bathroom!! Wow. I want to live in there :). The hexagon tiles are amazing.

  5. I always wanted a big kitchen with a center island like in the picture. Unfortunately our kitchen is the smallest room - even our bathroom is bigger! Real estate agents would call our kitchen cozy ;-)

  6. Those shoes would def. ward off evil doers! I spend way too much time on Pinterest too..pinning things willy-nilly that I don't even have time to go back and investigate!

  7. Spray painting party! Count us in :D
    What a cracking collection of goodies... we have the pinterest bug too. I hope they bring out an antidote soon :S It seems to be taking over my life hee hee!

  8. I love that kitchen! Happy Friday. :)

  9. I want that bathroom! Great finds!

    Blogging Buddies

  10. Amazing. I was spray painting furniture white this week thinking about how much I wished the can I was holding was yellow, or hot pink, or aqua. But alas, hubby is always there to tame my wild home decor dreams into normalcy. Sigh....perhaps I'll get him back by spray painting some crazy nick nacks too:)

  11. I love the bathroom design! I admire people who can put together unique house designs like that so much. It just isn't my thing. How fun to be thinking about all of these decor and spray painting projects for your new house. :)

    Thanks for linking up with me!

  12. Not too fond of the spiky shoes, except the color. Love the kitchen!

  13. I love the bathroom. Will have to pass on the spikey shoes. Glad I found you via the interactive blog team.

  14. I totally want the spiky shoes! Though I wouldn't need them because my super power will be to be invisible :D
