
Friday, June 15, 2012

Pinterest #26

Hey, this week it's my Golden Pinterest Picks! The 26th roundup, and I'm 26 years old. And to think, it almost got delayed a week because I forgot what day it was yesterday. (I got half an hour into another post when I remembered that, yes, today will be Friday.)

Possibly my very favorite this time around is this gorgeous color of blue. You don't see it on walls too often, and I LOVE what it does with the wainscoting along the bottom of the room. Plus, look at that sweet mirror:

This outfit is cute, but what really grabbed me was her hair color. I've left my hair its natural light brown for a few years now, and I'm getting the itch to go dark again. This would be perfect:

Another easy spray painting project! Just add doilies:

And in case you buy too many, you can make the leftovers into a cute summer blouse. Obviously, I encourage better undergarments, but I imagine the pictures were easier to see this way:

These shoes! Get on my feet. Right now. You are the perfect example of following a trend in a versatile way:

And! And! I can't believe I never thought about this before! Now there are TWO plot holes in Harry Potter! (The other one is the fact that Barty Crouch, Jr. could have made ANYTHING a port key in the fourth book. It didn't have to be the needlessly complicated TriWizard Cup.) Anyway, now this has been pointed out to me:

So what goodies did you find on Pinterest this week? Feel free to leave us links in the comments to peek at, and if you don't follow my boards yet, you can do that right here. Happy pinning!


  1. Thanks for sharing. I love the hair color too, my is very close to this color right now. Don't you just love pinterest!
    Lori D.

  2. I LOVE the blue walls! got my wheels turning. Do you think I could mix that in with this bedding? I have the bedding already for the guest room!

    1. OH MAN! That would be so awesome. You could take it two ways: do all of the walls that blue color and keep the dresser/nightstand/other furniture plain and understated, or do one focal wall in blue (maybe behind the bed?) and then sprinkle in some other pops of color around the room.

    2. I've been thinking about white washing the whole room like this:
      And doing the accent wall like you said. Want to be a guest designer? It's a 2nd floor guest room that we're trying to make over for crazy cheep/free. I could make you a fabric sample?

    3. YES. I would love that. Emailing you now.

  3. I love that royal blue paired with the wainscoting! Really makes a statement!
    And both the doily images are great too!

  4. Great picks!! I love the doily summer blouse!

  5. That blouse is killer and I actually don't mind the see-through-ness for summertime. I mean not to the office or anything. Depending on what kind of office you have of course ;).

  6. WOW..I just kept on and on looking at that room! LOVE the boldness of it.

  7. Great pins, I have been a bit slow on pinterest during the past two days...I am really feeling inspired after seeing yr pins:)

  8. Awesome picks as always! Those shoes are really neat. I agree that they are a great, versatile way to rock that trend.

  9. OMG, I had to e-mail my BFF this post link just for the HP photo alone.

  10. Ohhh...the doilies. I love them. Great finds! Happy Weekend!!!

  11. I was looking at that HP picture last night!! Crazy!

    Also, I was wondering what kind of code you use to reply to comments on Blogspot? I can never figure out how to do it without it looking funky.

    1. Actually, when I switched over from my old domain it just started showing up! I tried to find it in on the back end a few minutes ago, but no luck. Sorry I can't be more helpful!

  12. I love the royal blue room! I am wondering the same thing as Jennifer in regards to the reply code.

  13. I haven't been on Pinterest at all lately, need to catch up soon :)
    I'm not much of a "blue" person, but it definitely works for that room!

    p.s. featured the earrings I bought from you on my blog :)

  14. love the blue room. my kitchen was blue for years. i call it legal pad blue because i actually brought the top of my legal pad in for them to match after looking and looking. Very deep blue, not royal not navy, very mediterranean. loved it. just changed up last year after about 14 years.

  15. Love your golden pinterest pics! Those shoes are great but I think I'd fall off of them!

  16. Can't believe I wasn't following you on Pinterest! Lol silly me
