
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Hypothetical Dining Room

Before I get to the point for today, I need to get something in writing. Last night, Hubsey and I were watching old episodes of 30 Rock when I noticed that some of the cheap-o throw pillows were looking pretty shabby. And he was like, "It happens, go buy some new ones."

DOCUMENTED. You all heard it. No complaints from you, Husband, when I come home with options.

[Edited to add: Now he's saying he meant "buy them after we move." Nonsense. You meant today.]

Anyway, the actual meat for today is decor-related, so that was fitting. I might be jumping the gun a smidge, considering our moving day is over a month away, but I'm already getting a lot of decorating ideas for the new house. I've been pricing out flooring, looking at paint swatches, and making all sorts of mood boards on Polyvore.

Dining Room

The dining room in the new house is large. The previous owners used it as their living room, but we've decided that we don't need one. Our generation doesn't receive company in the front of the house like that (really, does anyone?), so a big ol' dining room seemed to be a better fit. It's 21'x12'. Ballroom-esque, you might say.

We want timeless furniture that will last for a while, and we'll leave the trendier stuff to the accessories. The table is normally $999, but I've seen some at the Crate&Barrel outlet near us for about 70% off. The cute chairs are IKEA and a very reasonable $60 each. Sadly, that rug will only serve as inspiration, because it's $2,500 and... that's not happening. The mirror is $283 (eh...), but the vintage travel posters can be had for about $10 each.

Of course, these are only ideas for now and might change once we've lived there for a while, but for now we're feeling a vaguely vintage-inspired look with some color.

Have you been doing any decorating lately? Where do you get inspiration? Anyone else use Polyvore for furniture and not just outfits?


  1. LOVE the mirror. Too bad the rug is so expensive but with that furniture plenty of rugs will work.

    Of course I think the posters are cool too.

    I've never tried Polyvore...looks like a must try. TFS

  2. Love travel posters! Advertising posters are good too. We posted two World War II posters in the stairway to our basement. Adds an inexpensive pop of color to that area.

    Etsy Blog Team

  3. I'm not even sure i realized you had the option to do home decor in polyvore. So thanks for that tip! I'm sure you'll find a rug that will fit in well with your choices. $2500+ for one is a bit steep, nonmatter how nice it may look!

  4. I have probably one more year left in me at my current apartment and then we're done. I'll catch the decorating bug then I'm sure. But I do love those travel posters. :)

  5. Your new house is going to look amazing! I can see you decorating away!
    I love that rug...but not the price tag!

  6. I like the posters! remember my frame art with the paint swatches? I switched them up to antique post cards of Newport, Rhode Island for the summer - I need to post the updated!

    I can't wait to see your new home!

  7. Us husbands need to specify better! Still though , very cool room look.

  8. I wish I were moving so I can redecorate! I love that table!

  9. You'll have so much fun with that huge space! We got new living room furniture this spring but otherwise no major decorating here lately.

  10. I absolutely adore that table!! Nice that you have an outlet near by!

    We just moved into a new house so we've been decorating like mad. I've been picking one piece of art that I really love (some old, some new) and building out the rooms around that... slowly :).

    Good luck and have fun!!

  11. Funny, we got rid of our dining ensemble because most visitors like sitting in our tiny kitchen instead! Our dining room is now a reading/living room, while our actual living room rarely gets used. How nice you get to go pillow shopping :)

  12. I've never used Polyvore (I'm almost afraid to get addicted to another Pinterest hahahha) but I've heard good things. I usually try and ask friends to recommend antique shops or thrift stores to me, and I know from other posts you're an upcycling wiz ;)

    I have my For the Home pinboard:
    Maybe it'll give you some good ideas? I'll hunt around for some decor pinboards I follow and link them up for ya ;)

  13. I rummaged a quick bit, and I found this one for you!

    This one is a little more french-chic, but a good look nonetheless:
