
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

DIY: Favorite Quote Wall Art

Yesterday I made myself some wall art!

Sometimes when I get into a creative slump (or a heat-induced stupor, as was the case this week), I just go to GoodWill. There's always so much random stuff in there that I'm bound to find something interesting enough to spark an idea.

This time did not disappoint. Lookie here:

Sorry to any fans of colorful abstract art, but this is pretty terrible. It spoke to me, but in that horrifying whisper that says, "Did you see the new Dynasty last night?" I decided to get it anyway because it was only $1.99, and I've been looking for something to use in this project for a while. Something worthy of hiding.

Before I get ahead of myself, let me tell you what you need overall:

--a painting/print you don't mind covering up (an ugly one!)
--letter stickers
--spray paint
--a favorite quote or song lyrics

First, take those stickers and spell out the quote/lyric you want to use. It may look something like this:

Pardon the cacophony. It doesn't matter how insane the stickers look because you're just going to paint over everything. I used my good ol' oil-rubbed bronze that's seen action in about five projects so far:

Let the paint dry for about an hour. Then, peel those stickers off. This was the most time-consuming part, and it only took about 10 minutes:

If there's any paint ooze that worked its way under the stickers, you can just scrape it off with your fingernail or the edge of a credit card. There shouldn't be much.

Now leave the piece to cure for another few hours (or overnight to be safe) and you're done!

Has anybody else done this project? Or used a favorite quote/lyric elsewhere? Are you recovering from a heat stupor as well? (Today is mercifully cooler, thank god.)

Linking up at My Repurposed Life.


  1. I love this! I saw that project and have been thinking of trying it, looks so easy. I also love that quote - I have a Life is Good T that says it.

  2. This is great! I'm gonna share this on my next DIY tutorial post. :)

  3. This is one of my favorite quotes. Great idea for a DIY project, it looks great!

  4. Love it!! I've seen this project online before, but it's good to know how it worked for you in real life. And covering up an ugly canvas is a great idea. TFS!

  5. Love how this turned out! I've been thinking about doing something similar for my studio just to get some more art on the walls. I smell a summer vacation project!

  6. Wow...that's pretty awesome! I might try that to fill some of the frames we've got hanging around to go up on the wall soon!

  7. "...renenwed shall be blade that was broken, the crownless again shall be king.”

    Something worthy of hiding is about right. The result is far superior! That rubber bronze is such an attractive finish, too!

  8. I did this with one of my own paintings at the beginning of the year! Haha. It wasn't a real painting so much as an exercise in all-over composition left over from school many years ago. Also, I didn't have any letter stickers so I just painted around letters by hand. And I used acrylic instead of spray paint. I guess that's obvious, though, since I didn't have the stencil letters. Anyhoo, if you're curious you can see mine here:

    1. It's so cute! There's no way my letters would look good if I didn't use stickers. I'm impressed!

  9. I have seen several examples of this now and think it's really cool! Thanks for the great tutorial.

  10. What a great way to rescue a horrid print :) Looks great!

  11. Paige!! I don't know how, but I was looking at jewelry on Etsy and found your store! Crazy! I absolutely love your shops and your blog!

    -Carolynn =]

  12. Love this idea--great way to recycle and the original print showing where the letters are is genius! Thanks for linking up to Share the Love Wednesday--you're going to be featured this week. Stop by and grab a feature button when you have a chance.
