
Thursday, June 21, 2012

What I Wore: Upscale Girly Date

Despite the fact that it's been 9,000 degrees in Chicago all week, I busted out some layers for a girly-date last night. Bet you can't guess what kind of layer it was!

Did you say cardigan? Five points for you.

sweater: Banana Republic
tank top: Target
skirt: thrifted
shoes: Target
necklace: Oh Nostalgia
purse: Coach Outlet (a gift from the friend I had dinner with, actually)

My friend and I went to a place called Cooper's Hawk, which I heard and immediately thought, "that sounds like a steak house" and then, "barf," but it's actually a WINERY. And a delicious one to boot. Their website said it was casual dining, but dammit, we felt like being fancy. It bums me out that people don't dress up much anymore, so I'm trying to bring that back.

You guys know that I don't wear much color, but lately it's been creeping into my brain and making itself cozy. Hence the turquoise wedges AND purple clutch in the same outfit. The necklace is purple too, but for some reason is photographing really dark. Ah well.

This is also one of the only skirts I've ever worn that has any sort of volume. I was kind of nervous back when I bought it, afraid that it would be a weird proportion to my bulky ribcage (thanks, scoliosis), but it's fine! What a delightful surprise! I should probably take this as a sign that I need to try new things more often.

So what are you wearing lately to stay cool? Anybody else embracing summer colors? Or dressing slightly too fancy for the restaurant you're going to?

P.S. Don't forget to enter the Shabby Apple giveaway.

P.P.S. For those wondering what the heck happened to my straight hair, I actually took these before I did that. The light was good, so I played dress up early.


  1. Very nice! I agree that people should dress up more. Everyone used to look so nice back in the day. I actually tried to wear a skirt on just a random trip to my parents' the other day and hubs was like, why are you wearing that? Cue the shorts.

  2. Super cute outfit! My husband always gives me a weird look when I "dress up" as he puts it even if it's just a frilly tank top and jeans, lol!

  3. A girly date sounds like fun...and dressing up sounds even better :)
    I love the pops of color with the neutral outfit!

  4. love the pop of color of your shoes! great little date outfit :)


  5. You look so cute! That skirt is awesome!

  6. Love the lacy skirt. Pretty little details like that are what make an outfit. :-)

  7. The shoes add the perfect pop of color! Great outfit.

  8. You look so cute! You know I love me some color. Those shoes are adorable. If I wore heels, I would be all over those. Also, I'm guessing you are approx. 80 ft tall with those things on. :)
    Also, what bulky rib cage? I don't see that.
    I sometimes will take a small cardigan with me in the summer when I'm going to be inside because some places really crank the AC, and I go from sweating outside to shivering inside. Also, I am a little old lady. :)

    1. Ha, yeah, I'm about 6'2" with them killer wedges. I look my husband in the eye.

      And you're sweet for not noticing my scoliosis'd torso! It annoys the crap out of me because my ribs aren't symmetrical anymore. Boooo...

  9. Adorable look. Love the touch of lace. Very girlie, indeed! :)

  10. I love the layering! I'm always grabbing a cardigan, even in the summer. I agree that we need to dress up more. I'm always saddens when I see people at nice restaurants, concerts, church services and events (i.e. weddings) in casual clothing.

  11. Look at you and that hot bod. You go girl! This weather has been atrocious. I'm so grateful for the wee bit of rain today. I hope it cools things off. My curly hair has been OUT OF CONTROL. I can barely fit through my doors anymore, it's that wide.

  12. Replies
    1. I know. If I'm not careful, it might start having an attitude.

    2. Just make sure it remembers that Lowes said, its totally replaceable.

  13. It's been super hot here down in Atlanta... so I've been addicted to my short/long skirt... I don't know exactly what it's called, but it's one of those that's short in the front and goes long in the back. It's from Target and made of super-soft cotton, and it swishes around my legs, so it's perfect for summertime :)

    Your outfit is so cute! I like the little pop of colour in your shoes!

    Weather for Atlanta says 91 and sunny for the next 5 days straight... oi, where are my thunderstorms?!

    1. I think I saw that one there! I got a regular maxi skirt instead, which I kind of regret because on really hot days it just makes me even warmer. Not enough air circulation, methinks.

  14. You look super cute! LOVE the shoes. Also love Cooper's Hawk :)

  15. This looks great! I am loving lace these days! That belt makes you look SUPER skinny!

  16. Adorable! You look like you were ready for a night out on the town...or at least at a winery. And even after you mentioned to torso bit...I still didn't notice anything off about your torso. You look amazing!

  17. Super cute outfit! It's cardigan weather ALL the time here ;-)
    Love the wedges!

  18. This is such a cute outfit Paige! Love the skirt, and those blue wedges are so fun :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  19. Those shoes are a gorgeous color! :) And I love me some Cooper's Hawk - the food is pretty amazing, in addition to the wine!
