
Monday, June 25, 2012

DIY: Ring Holder Makeover

It was borderline too hot for spray painting this weekend (the cutoff is about 90 degrees), but that didn't stop me from doing a quick little project!

Back when we got married, I found this ring holder at GoodWill for like, a dollar. The idea was to put it in the kitchen for when I washed the dishes. Well, it turns out that I just shove 95% of things into the dishwasher and thus, never need to use the ring holder. It just sits there, sad and alone.

Fast-forward three years and now I need the poor neglected thing in the bathroom. We switched over to Dr. Bronner's hand soap a few weeks ago and WOW does it leave a lot of residue on my jewelry. (Maybe we don't water it down enough? I don't know.) So now I have to train myself to take those rings off after all.

Here's how it was before. Nothing inherently wrong with it, but it just sort of faded away into the background. The more I thought about it, the more it needed a makeover.

This sunshine-y color is called Bright Idea, and I just love it. I've only used it for one other project (an old candelabra!), but I think it needs to be a mainstay for the new house. I've learned my lesson about spraying on hot days, though. The paint almost didn't set because it was so warm, but I rushed it inside and stuck it in front of a fan for a few hours. That seemed to do the trick, but next time I'm waiting until the sun goes down.

The paint makes all the difference. The original crystal was pretty, but not really my style. This is much better. Bonus: I already owned the paint and the ring holder, so this project was F-R-E-E.

What were you up to this weekend? Anybody else do some painting, spray or otherwise? Or perhaps you saw a movie? We saw Brave yesterday (it was cute, solid B+) and now I'm trying to figure out when I can go back to see Abe Lincoln and his vampire slaying skillz.

P.S. I announced the winner of the $50 Shabby Apple gift card! Click here to see if it's you!

P.P.S. Linking to with My Repurposed Life. Ch-ch-check it out.


  1. Very cool... And FREE, what could be better than that! I like the look of it in yellow.

  2. The yellow looks so great! And I love that ring!
    I'm curious if the paint will wear at all with sliding the rings off and on?

    1. As long as you let it cure properly before use, it should be fine! A coat of clear spray lacquer would also help if you wanted to be extra sure. :-)

  3. That looks great! I agree that the crystal was nice but the yellow gives it a great retro feel. I need to take my rings off too. I can see the gunk buildup it between the prongs of my stone.

  4. I love this, it looks so great. I recently gave our house numbers and mailbox an update with some spray paint!

  5. Oh my gosh! I LOVE IT! That made such a difference! Hmmmm...I need to find something to spray paint! LOL

  6. Looks great! I love that shade of yellow, it looks very summer-y!

  7. That looks awesome! I love the color you chose.

  8. Isn't it amazing how a little color can make such a great difference. I am all in for your untraditional approach!

  9. It's amazing what a coat of paint can do! Neat overhaul.

  10. Great job!!! You've totally updated that ring holder. I LOVE it!

  11. It's a wonderful change! I think the yellow is bright and fun. TFS!

  12. Super cute! I love that colour! Going to Goodwill to find upcycle-able treasures is my favourite thing to do! Much more rewarding than going to the mall ;)

  13. Ever since I got married, I've been saying I need to get a ring holder but I haven't wanted to spend the money :). I never even thought to spray paint a cheap thrifted one. Thanks for the idea!!

  14. I wish I were crafty. It looks great in yellow!


  15. How cool is that! It looks SO different but the same all at the same time. What a super cute and cheap project. Love the color!


  16. I love what you did with the yellow paint. I always want to spray paint everything, but I lack an outdoor space to do it. There's really just the sidewalk, which I'm sure the pedestrians would love if I took over for my painting project. Hopefully our next place will have a patio or something. Also, I love that the color is called Bright Idea. :)
    Glad to hear you liked Brave, we were kind of on the fence of whether to see it in the theater or just wait for the dvd.

  17. Looks so much more fun and unique with a simple coat of paint. Well done! I can't believe you found the original for $1. I think I got 4 ring holders as gifts back when I got engaged...I made my husband use one of the Nambe holders for his wedding band on his nightstand. haha!

  18. awww paige! your ringholder is so cute all dressed in yellow!

    have a happy/safe/fun 4th celebration!
