
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

3 Years

Three years ago today, the Hubster and I tied the knot! Sometimes I forget that it's already been this long, since time seems to go by at warp-speed now that we're real grown-ups. Since I already did a wedding retrospective last year, I figured it was time to shake things up. Traditionally, the third anniversary involves exchanging leather gifts--which we're not doing since we upped the ante and bought ourselves a house--but that doesn't mean I can't round up some ideas anyway:

Leather (3 Years)

Starting on the dude side, the Ben Sherman wallet is $50 and the leather cuff is a crazy affordable $3.50  (which is perhaps an error?); for the gals, the pyramid earrings are $39 and the gold iPad case is $70. What about the other two gifts? Those are for when we find a bag of money on the sidewalk. The fancy-schmancy Frederique Constant watch is $1,055, and the badass Alexander McQueen skull clutch is a mere $2,240.

As far as celebrating goes, we're not doing much. The movers come tomorrow, so aside from going out for Thai food, we'll just be scrambling around with packing tape and Sharpies. You know, the usual.

Do you follow the anniversary themes? Anybody else have a leather celebration this year? What do you think of my picks? Eyeballing that sweet skull purse, aren't you?


  1. Congrats and Happy Anniversary!
    I hope you get time to celebrate in between packing :)
    Jesse and I will be together for 13 years in Dec! Time DOES fly!

    1. Whoa! You've got us beat! We've "only" been together for 6 years.

  2. Hi paige! Foudn your blog through LIY, and it looks fun! So your number of followers is now 638! As for celebrating anniversaries... me and my BF harly celebrate... we are now 4 yrs together and we went out for dinner, but we do not buy eachother gifts or things like take. Just keep it simple and you never get tired of it I think.

  3. awww congrats!!! hope you have a beautiful anniversary!

  4. Awww! Happy Anniversary! As exhausting as moving is, I'm sure you're very excited :) Many blessings for your new home!

  5. I love finding bags of money on the sidewalk. That's how I feed my jewelry addiction. Happy anniversary to you kiddos!

  6. Thanks, everybody! You guys are the bomb diggity. :-)

  7. Congrats on your anniversary! Me and mine are celebrating our third in August. CRAZY how quick time goes by!

  8. I like the idea of finding a bag of money on the sidewalk:) Happy anniversary!

  9. Robbie and I are so ridiculously nontraditional, but I think it would be fun to get each other gifts based on the yearly themes at least one time. :)

    CONGRATS by the way! A new house sounds like the perfect way to celebrate! :)

  10. Happy Anniversary! We're not much for big celebrations either. Having dinner in your new house on your new dining room table sounds like a good way to start a new year together. :)

  11. Happy anniversary! We don't follow the anniversary themes either. Enjoy your Thai food and good luck with the move this week!

  12. Happy Anniversary! We just celebrated our third yesterday! :) Instead of following the traditions, we usually put the money towards travel, etc!

  13. Happy Anniversary! My blog was just 2 days old when you got married. We both started a new life that week! :)

    corny, eh?
    So happy for you Paige!


  14. Happy Anniversary! I have been with my boyfriend for 5 years and I have noticed that the longer we are together the smaller/less expensive the gifts turn out. For instance our second anniversary my boyfriend took me to Korea. Our third.. I just got a Korean dinner. (super tasty) I'm guessing after several more years together it will just become.. "hey.. you that person I've been with forever.. Happy Anniversary"

  15. Happy Anniversary!!
    I love that gold ipad case! Our 1 year wedding anniversary is this fall and I think it would be fun to do the anniversary theme gifts.
