
Monday, July 23, 2012

Stars and Stripes

Do you know what officially starts this Friday?! (With a few events creeping in as early as Wednesday?!) I'll give you a clue: it brings the world together in a series of inspirational sports moments that leave me weepy and sentimental. And also wishing I was a better athlete, but only for a second because I enjoy watching on the couch too much to give it up.

It's the Olympics! Or as we should be saying, THE OLYMPICS. Are you ready? Are you going to be glued to your TV for the next 3-ish weeks, watching even the "nerd" events like archery and ping pong? Because I will be. I'm even making imaginary outfits for myself, that's how ready I am.

Olympic Spirit

I'm not one for overly-themed dressing, so this is would be my hypothetical outfit for backing Team USA if I were to head across the pond. The navy striped dress is $23, the turquoise wedges are $77, the straw tote is $28, the bangles are $29, and for the necklace I accidentally broke my under-$100 rule (it's $198--oops), but it fit the outfit so perfectly I had to include it. The nail polish and lipstick are both $12.

And because I'm ridiculous, I made a second look:

Team USA

This one is a little more straightforward, but I'd still wear it. The cobalt blue dress is $49, the striped flats are $50, the leather purse is $69, the bangles are $40, and the earrings are $58. The aviators come in at an extra affordable $7.80.

So are you pumped for THE OLYMPICS? What events are you most excited to see? I'm a gymnastics and track girl myself. What's your favorite piece from these outfits? Or would you wear something totally different if you ever attended the Games? WAIT. Have any of you actually been? If so, please tell me all about it in the comments because I have to know.


  1. im excited - my boys are excited too, they are old enough to understand and they are discussing the Games at school! I always love Gymnastics and swimming!
    cute outfits!!

  2. I always find the gymnastics events so amazing!
    I love the striped dress paired with the red nails!

  3. I am so excited! I can't wait for the opening ceremonies on Friday! And i'm excited to watch some beach volleyball and I'm pumped for the women's soccer team! I'm sure I'll also watch alot of swimming events. It's been my dream since I was little to work on the construction of an Olympic village - that would be SO awesome!

  4. The summer Olympics are by far my favorite. I get so excited about them every four years... until this year. Why might you ask? Because I realized that we leave on our road trip the day of the opening ceremony and return on the day of the closing ceremony. I could cry. We will miss the entire thing! Booo. Though I know our trip will be fabulous so I'm trying to get over it. One my college roomies got married this weekend and she and her husband are huge sports nuts. They planned their whole wedding perfectly so that they could go to London for the Olympics for the honeymoon. So what we miss while we're on our road trip, they will make up for us since they will actually be there. They are so lucky!

    1. Aaaaah! Nooooo! Maybe I'll have to email you an extensive recap.

  5. I love your outfit choices. I too will be on my tush, in my pjs!

  6. Oh man, I'm so excited! I'm not fun to watch THE OLYMPICS with because I get too excited and start screaming when they are too close! CAN'T WAIT! Also, I want to wear the cobalt dress!

  7. I love the gymnastics and I love all the stripey bits here :)

  8. I love both of the dresses! What a fun idea for the Olympics. We are not big Olympic watchers here, but I do enjoy watching them when I get the chance.

  9. Those are some killer outfits. AND YES I CAN'T WAIT! Just this am I was writing blog posts & scheduled Fridays for the Olympics themed Friday Finds. I AM OBSESSED WITH THE OLYMPICS!!!! And just for the reason you mentioned...for the "nerdy" sports;)

  10. Those are super cute outfits, great choices.

  11. I have my limits with certain sports but I'll definitely be watching! I love those wedge shoes :)

  12. The 2nd one is totally me, simple but lots of color and cute accessories. I always watch gymnastics and my boyfriend likes track and field, so I'm sure we will be watching a lot of tv the next few weeks. :)

  13. :) Love this Paige! Totally digging the navy dress and red striped shoes in the second look!! Totally my style!
