
Friday, July 20, 2012

Empty House Tour!

After the glorious closing of our new home on Wednesday, I popped back to the house to "snap a few pictures" before we went to IKEA. I think you know how it went: I ended up taking 70 pictures and a 3-minute video. Of a house without furniture. Overkill? Perhaps. But I prefer to think that people who don't do this are the weird ones.

Anyway, I've narrowed them down for you. Think of this as an appetizer; I'll save the real house tour for after there's furniture, because it's hard to get a sense of some rooms when they're empty.

Kitchens, however, are a good place to start! This picture has the most true-to-life coloring...

...while this one gives you an idea of the size. I took it standing in the eating area:

This was also taken in the kitchen, but looking over to my left at the entry and dining room:

The lower level is the family room. We scored some excellent built-ins... AND A PROJECTOR. I can't wait to watch Harry Potter on that thing.

You can look right up into the kitchen (yay for food proximity):

We also have a sunroom that leads to the backyard. Unfortunately, it leaks. In several places:

And finally, I inherited a garden! It has tomatoes, jalapenos, broccoli, some herbs, and a giant mystery plant in the back corner. Any clue what that is?

Here are some quick stats for ya:

--built in 1970
--3 bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms
--split level
--just over 1,600 square feet

I'll be back to blogging as usual on Monday. In the meantime, I'm off to finish a bunch of orders and make a second trip to IKEA (we filled up the car the first time). What are you up to this weekend? Heck, what did you get up to this workweek, since I was off the grid for most of it?


  1. Looks wonderful, Paige!
    What I like about houses in the US is that most of them come partly furnished like yours. Here they are completely EMPTY :)

  2. this house looks absolutely beautiful!! I can't wait to see it furnished.

    <3 Melissa

  3. Wow, congrats! How wonderful! I'm seeing some future DIY opportunities:)

  4. well, you also have kale (YUM), the light green big leaf, and perhaps the back plant might be rhubarb. hard to tell. need a closer shot! If it has big beautiful leaves and a red, celery like stalk, rhubarb.

    oh my, so so exciting. take lots of pics is normal. then you'll get to show us all the progress of making it yours. sun room looks dreamy even if it leaks. i'm sure you'll have that fixed in no time!

    congrats again!

    projector? wow!

    1. I thought it was kale too, but that's actually a massive broccoli plant! I'm just afraid I'm going to kill all of it, haha.

  5. I love that everything seems open from room to room. I love the sun porch! Great place to drink morning coffee and read blogs :)
    Congrats're going to have this place all dressed up in no time :)

  6. how fun! we are going through the contract process on my grandmother's home. i can't wait to get in there and update it and make it ours! (and i'm obviously super excited to keep it in the family! :-)

  7. I've been waiting for this post from you all week! Congrats again! I have to say, the B&W of the kitchen reminds me of the mad men kitchen :-)
    How exciting about the garden - just get a hose quick and keep it watered - it will be fine :-)

  8. Looks awesome! The sun room, patio, and outdoor space looks amazing! I've decided that our next house has to have a yard, which will probably mean moving out of the city, but that will probably be a long time from now. I can't wait to see how things come together!

  9. CONGRATS!!! I envy your Sunroom, leaks and all.

    Maybe that's Kale? It tends to grown like crazy. Have fun and take lots of photos!

  10. I ran over here when I heard the news.

    Congratulations!! I'm so excited for you, can't wait to see what you do to the place!!
    Love the wood trimmings and the fact that it has a sunroom! And a projector!? :D

  11. It sounds pretty perfect to me! Congrats! Can't wait to see it all come together!

  12. So happy for you lady! It's super cute, and yay, a yard and garden! Have fun at IKEA, aka the best place ever. :)

  13. The house looks great!! Can't wait to see it with furniture. You guys did luck out with the home theatre. Pretty suhweet! :)

  14. Oh my goodness! I'm so freakin' excited for you!! It looks amazing. That sunroom! Even though it leaks, it looks beautiful. Also, a garden?! Too cute! And a projector!! Girl, I'm super jealous. I'm moving in!

  15. Oh, I can't wait to see you furnish it! It looks very promising and you have a garden, how much better can it get? Lovely!!

  16. Oooh! A garden! How exciting :) Congrats on your beautiful house!

  17. Your house is beautiful! So much potential. I can't wait to see how it looks with the furniture.

  18. It looks amazing! I love the projector and the outside sunlight room!

  19. Congratulations! So exciting!!!!

  20. Congrats!!! It looks amazing!

  21. Congrats! So excited for you!!

  22. Aaaah LOVE it!! How exciting! And so so jealous of that big projector :)
