
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

IKEA, you complete me.

First things first: we close on our house tomorrow! TOMORROW. If you're reading this after 9 a.m. central time, then in less than 24 hours we'll officially be the owners. We'll have a garage! And full-sized laundry! And central air! That's right, we're rocking two wall units right now, and they're just as useless as you might imagine on the top floor of a building.

Even though we're closing tomorrow, the movers aren't coming to take our big stuff over until the 26th, so we have some wiggle room to start a few repairs and get rid of a little furniture. Like our bedroom set. All of it is mismatched and old (and not in the good way), so it's time to hit the road. We were debating between a few things to replace it, but then the universe gave us a sign:

HELLO. My favorite line of IKEA furniture EVER is on sale!? And just when we're going to buy multiple pieces?! I hear you, universe, loud and clear. Thank you.

I thought the hard part was over until we started looking at the individual items and realized: the finish. We love them both. We like the combination of light and dark, but aren't sure which way to go about it. I whipped up a couple of visuals and would really appreciate some input before we head to the store tomrorow.

Option #1 (ignore the pink-y white bedding, if you would)

IKEA Bedroom #1

Option #2 (again, ignore the blue blankets)

IKEA Bedroom #2

I might be leaning a smidge toward Option #2, but I really like them both. What do you think? Strong feelings either way? (Perhaps my indecision is a sign that either choice will be a good one. Look at this, I'm getting analytical up in here.) Any thoughts are appreciated. We seriously can't decide.

Wish us luck tomorrow! I'll bring you pictures as soon as I can! (Aaaah!)


  1. OMG MY favorite line of Ikea furniture too! And on sale! Go dark. Then you can play with all kinds of brighter linens and accessories. Those are my favorite lamps, too, btw. I tried to talk hubs into them but I didn't win.

  2. I like Option 1! LOVE that octopus pillow. Early congrats on closing on your home! Owning your own home is so very exciting.

  3. OOOO hard to choose. I like the 2nd option best! We are about to move out of our apartment into a house (rental thanks to the military we won't be anywhere long enough to buy) BUT we will need all new furniture. I sure do wish we were closer to an ikea!

  4. Good luck and I'm so very very excited for you guys! I can't wait to see your new place! I wish we lived closer...I would totally throw you a house warming party :)

    I think I like option #2 also...I'm not biased though because I think either one will be a good choice...I just like the light wood on the dresser better!

    Good luck and have fun signing all those papers!


  5. I like option #1. The wood combo is richer looking than in #2. Always good to look like it's expensive furniture even if it isn't. :)

  6. I also like combo #1. Darker colors seem to work in a variety of different decor themes!

    CONGRATS on your house!

  7. I like Option #2 reason being I like the lighter furniture to complement my wall art, I feel like darker furniture competes for attention. Either way good luck and congrats!

  8. Woohoo! Super duper excited for you about the house! I like the first option best. A big dark bed seems super heavy to me-- as if it takes up more room or something. But then again that may just be me being used to tiny row house space!

    1. Our new room isn't very big, 12x12 if I'm remembering correctly. That's why I'm so torn about doing the dark color, because it's REALLY pretty in person, but I don't want it to overwhelm the space. Le sigh!

  9. Congrats on closing!!! Yay!! And we have an IKEA down the road from me and it is such a great place for home stuff! BUT, it is always so crazy in there and BIG!!!! I think I have gotten lost in there a time or two! Happy decorating! Coming over from Stesha's blog! Happy to be a new follower!
    Giveaway @ Because Shanna Said So

  10. I'm up in the air but leaning towards option #1. I am a fan of our matching bedroom set. And GOOD LUCK tomorrow! it will be great. Have you been practicing your signature?

    1. Shoot, NO! I have a notebook right next to me, though, so I can just do that while I watch HGTV.

  11. Congratulations! I think I like #2. Are those pillows from Ikea too??

    1. They're not! If you click the little link on the bottom of either picture it'll take you over to Polyvore and you can get the sources there. The chevon one is West Elm, but that's all I remember offhand.

  12. Oh, this is so exciting!!! Plus, I love IKEA too. And signs from the Universe!!

    Oh, i can't wait to see pictures and live through your settling!

    I go wit the second option for sure. It's light and airy, and classy in a cool way :D I think I just made it a bit more difficult for you, didn't i?

  13. Aw man, I was hoping there would be an overwhelming majority! I guess we'll have to make a game time decision while we're standing in the warehouse.

  14. Yay! Congrats!!! So exciting! I have to say I think I like #1 better. I think the wood colors/stains flow together better, but aren't totally matchy-matchy. Both are really pretty though.

  15. Congrats!! How freaking exciting!
    And all I notice in #1 and #2 are the pink and blue blankets! Just kidding!

    (I have exclamations after every. single. case you didn't notice. I feel like I'm yelling at you! But in my head I was excited and the exclamations express my excitedness (new word) for you! I promise I'm not yelling at you. Ok, maybe I was a little.)

  16. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'll never forget how we both felt when we closed on our home. The BEST feeling in the world to own your little piece of heaven. SO happy for your Paige.

    Why does it seem like the bed in 1 goes with dresser in 2?? Is it me. I like the lighter finish on both. Less noticeable dust. :) Plus I like that it shows a bit of the grain. Love wood grain.

    ok, so MAKE SURE YOU HAVE champagne chilling in a cooler during the signing, so when you step through your new door you guys can toast!!!

    1. Thanks! I'm SO excited! :-)

      Yep, the bed and the dresser are flip-flopped for both pictures! We like the mixture of light and dark, so we were trying to visualize it both ways. Of course, there's still no clear winner, haha.

  17. Congratulations, that's so exciting! I love the Hemnes collection also, wish I had my new place already so I could benefit from that discount. I like option 1 but either one would be great. Again, congrats on the new house!

    the lemonade stand

  18. I like the first option. Especially the pink bedding. I'm sure your hubs would love it. Can't wait to come visit your new pad and frolic in your central air while drinking margaritas! Good luck tomorrow.

  19. I like the darker wood, but that's my personal taste :)
    My two cents...go with what's in stock. Let the universe make the decision :)

  20. I love option 2! We need new dressers also so I might have to check this out. Oh--our home store is having our annual summer sale this weekend. You should try to stop by! Email me for details if you're interested in coming!

  21. I like numero uno. I think you have more options to add colorful bed linens or bright white, or whatever you like and it will contrast nicely. Also, you must be so happy that you are nearing the finish line! I'm right there with you on the central air; that's one of my requirements for our new place, which has somewhat limited our search because there are so many beautiful old homes here with window units. But I just can't do it any more; I spend too much of my life either being too hot or too cold.

  22. We just moved into our new place on Sunday and plan on making a trek to Ikea. I love the place and can't wait to furnish with new stuff.

  23. Exciting!! I love both options. The wood colors are beautiful and will provide lots of versatility. Best of luck with everything!

  24. I prefer option #2! I find it more interesting, less... static.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Option #1 looks nice since it matches but I prefer option #2. Since your bed will be your focal point in the room, its good if the color is slightly different from the dresser/drawers. I like the dresser in option #2 since you can put more things on top and decorate the wall behind it with lovely pictures or a cool mirror.
