
Monday, July 16, 2012

Blitz! (Not the football kind.)

Yesterday I did something brand new: I met people from the Internet! And before anybody gets too excited, know that I only took like 4 pictures. So... my bad. I did get this great shot of the view from Market Bar's swanky rooftop deck, though:

The event was Blogger Blitz Chicago hosted by this girl, and not only was it my first bloggy party, but it was also the first time I've met Internet friends face-to-face. Ever. I was really nervous beforehand and spent an extra long time straightening my hair (it was a special occasion, after all), while also wondering if I would be that dorky person people kind of inched away from after a few minutes.

But no! I worried for nothing! It was a ton of fun. I definitely think there should be more bloggy meet-ups in the future. Everybody was so friendly, and it was an all around great afternoon of drinks, sunshine, and conversation. This was the group of ladies I spent the most time with. Say cheese!

Chris  |  Nikki  |  Me  |  Erin  |  Taylor  |  Dana

If you want to see some actual pictures of the event, other than those sweet buildings I captured, Dana and Erin have good ones to share.

So how was your weekend? Anybody else ever met any friends from blogging/the web? Am I the only one who watched Breaking Bad last night? Holy villain, Walter White!


  1. Such a fun afternoon. Let's definitely do it again. Ps- I think my husband was a bit nervous when I came home and said that I really was a fan of Internet dating!

  2. Looks like so much fun! And you got to meet some super awesome bloggers! Just a tad jealous. ;) I totally met up with people from the internet before from a fan club of my favorite band. It's really, really dorky, I know. I met them and even stayed with some of them while I was traveling around Australia. It's weird how people end up being pretty cool, just like you imagined!

  3. How fun! I've never, ever done this either, but think it would be a blast!! Glad you enjoyed it:)

  4. That looks like a ton of fun! I've never met internet friends before. I think I would be nervous about it too! haha

  5. Sounds like you had a blast! I like this idea, maybe I should try and find me some blogger friends close by.

  6. Cool!!
    I would so love to meet my blog friends for real :)
    Btw, you all look fabulously styled! Thanks for your tip on the organic
    products, I actually came across her shop while browsing and favourited her :)
    Will definitely buy from her!

    1. Thanks! It was actually hideously warm outside. I'm glad we still look put together! :-)

  7. It was so so so good meeting you!! I am hoping to come back to Chicago soon and we can all get together for an evening out :) Have a great week love!

  8. I'm jealous! Oh so jealous! It looked like such a fabulous time! Thanks for linking up doll :)

  9. I've met "online" friends in person before and it's so great because there's no weird awkwardness there, you chat it up like you've known each other for years. So glad you had fun! :)

  10. Aw so great to see bloggers getting together!

  11. Looks like it was a great event! I'm headed to check out the other pictures now.

    So far, all of the bloggers that I've met in person have turned out to be delightful. Hopefully that streak doesn't change any time soon!!

  12. I'm glad that you had such a good time! I have met people from the Internet before and will do it again. It's generally been a great experience.

  13. What fun! I'm so jealous...I wish more of my bloggy friends were closer!
    I hope to meet some of them in the future :)

    1. I totally wish there could be an EBT meet up, but we're scattered all over the world. Womp, womp.

  14. We did not do Dana proud... we didn't finish our pitcher of margarita which means we have to go out again so we can show her that yes, yes we can finish pitchers of margaritas!

  15. It was so great to meet you at the Blitz! We should have another event sometime!

  16. I'm so jealous that all of you got to meet!! So fun!! You all look lovely :)

    Thanks for linking up with us!

  17. Shhh woman, don't spoil Breaking Bad yet!
    Aw, now I'm leaving Chicago and we'll never meet! It's a tragedy.

  18. So glad you had fun! And your giddy smile in that picture is adorable!
