
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Look who joined the 21st century!

That would be me. I crashed the Instagram party about a month ago, but I wanted to make sure I was actually sticking around before I told you to come hang out with me. It would've been rude to invite you over and then not show up.

Come holler at me, my username is littlenostalgia. I'm always looking for more people to follow, so feel free to drop your name in the comments, too.

Some pretty cloud action.

A mild attempt to be healthy.

A touch of country in the city (this is 5 minutes from my house).

And my favorite cluster of artwork.

It's funny how much better my pictures look with a little filter on them. Almost like I know what I'm doing!

Are you an Instagrammer, too? It took me a while to warm up to it, but I'm glad I'm there now. (Unlike Facebook. I haaaate Facebook. But that's another rant for another day.)


  1. I hate Facebook too. I made a page for my shop only and haven't done much with it yet at all. I am on Instagram (still as bythebookpaper) but since hubs is the keeper of the iphone I don't get to play with it too much. I love playing around with it though. The filters are a lot of fun.

  2. You are ahead of me, I'm not in the 21st century yet! Love the pretzel and cucumber photo!

  3. Do you live in Naperville? Because that second to last picture reminded a lot of their riverwalk. I was just there for the fourth! Looking forward to meeting you at the Blogger Blitz darling :)

  4. Ha. No, I'm not on instagram, I feel like I'll probably be forced to join eventually...although that's what everyone said about facebook, as if one couldn't breathe without it, and I'm still not on that. ;)

  5. I still have a Blackberry so I'm not on Instagram. We're planning to upgrade phones in January. We'll see how I feel about Instagram then. I'm glad that you're having fun with the filters. The covered bridge is beautiful! I love getting those little touches of country in the city.

  6. Dana and I are still wondering where that Illinois print/canvas is from! Can't wait to see you Sunday and I hate facebook too. I feel like people brag about what they're doing on there and really nobody cares if you just checked in to Costco. Can I get an amen?

    1. Oh, I guess my comment on Instagram didn't stick! It's from a company called White Nest, and I got it at the One Of A Kind show in December. I looked for their business card but couldn't find it, so maybe that's enough to go on. It'll be like solving a crime, but less grisly.

  7. Love the photo of the covered bridge!

  8. I <3 your instagram feed! :) That app is addictive...and I hate it but love it all at the same time!

    Woo hoo for the 21st century!

    PS - you may have figured this out by now but in order for someone to get notified that you've responded to something they said/asked on instagram you have to use @(theirusername) for them to get a little notice that you've responded! Did that make sense? On ipod/iphone you just long press the person's name and you can choose "mention user" on an android you have to physically type @ then start typing the username. Sorry if this is repetitive info!!


    1. Ah! I actually did not know that! It makes sense though, it's like Twitter.

  9. Love instagram!! Just followed you!! @aeporteous!!
