
Monday, July 2, 2012

Vintage IKEA

Normally I don't say "Happy Monday," but since this week is a holiday I feel like that can get a pass. A four-day workweek for most folks is reason to celebrate. Another reason to raise a glass? We dragged this beast up the stairs of our condo building:

The description on the Crate&Barrel website says it has the "heft and character of a European farmhouse antique." That's an understatement. They should've said, "Don't be fooled by the 16-year-olds who will toss this into your U-Haul like a piece of driftwood. We give them steroids. You will have to call extra people to help you." (And we did. One of them brought his new girlfriend, who we met for the first time. Welcome...)

Anyhoodle, that's not what I have for you today. With our closing date looming on the horizon, you may have noticed that I'm extra interested in house-y things. I got sucked into the black hole that is Retronaut the other day and I came across an IKEA catalog from 1965. Naturally, I had to peek.

Take a look at this stuff. What do you notice about it?

It doesn't look that dated! Well, the accessories and rugs do, but the furniture itself is so versatile! I'm drooling over the last two rooms especially. I know retro styles are back in a big way, so that's part of why this stuff still looks great, but I think it's also good design. Look at the white bookcases. You could literally have those in your house and they would never look bad. Ditto that leather armchair and the white dining set.

Basically, I'm surprised. Maybe I shouldn't be, because they've obviously been in business this long for a reason, but I am. Shame on me. I shouldn't doubt the blue and yellow palace.

So whaddya think? Are you pleasantly surprised at this too? Would you want stuff like this in your house? What's your favorite piece?


  1. I'm a big IKEA fan. I take my hat off to them for ingenuity,practicality and design.
    But I didn't know they dated back to '65....

  2. I have an old 80s Ikea catalogue somewhere, but not as old as the one you found! Amazing! The white bookcase is timeless :)

  3. Your new table is a BEAST! Love it! You should hire movers just to move that thing.
    I'm also a little surprised that IKEA was kicking ass and didn't look dated back then, shame on me.

    1. Oh yes. Real movers are definitely happening. I don't know what we were thinking trying to move it ourselves. Ha ha.

  4. The table is awesome. That catalog is a great find. I love the white bookcases and cabinet, and that green couch in the background is pretty funky!

  5. How fun! I sent your link to Jamie, she'll love this post! I had no idea Ikea had been around so long.

    hahaha that table? just think--you get to move it again!


  6. Looooooooooove vintage decor. My boyfriend and I both really dig retro design. Those last two sets of white chairs look awesome - totally not dated at all!

    I just moved all my stuff and got quite a workout from doing it. In the words of my sister, I am working on my "Michelle Obama" arms. LOL - have you ever noticed she's got killer muscle tone?! Hahahah...

    1. Dude, she's ripped. She probably could've dragged the table up the stairs by herself. With one hand.

  7. I am dying over the weight description. That looks like a heavy mother...

    Why don't you get your booty in your car, drive over to my house, and we can lay on my couch and watch HGTV whilst drinking all the live long day?

    PS - Flea Market Flip follows teams on their challenges. I think we'd make a great one, you and I!

    1. My god, HGTV and booze! You know the way to my heart. We should have some chocolate too, just for good measure.

  8. I laughed out loud at the 16 year olds on steroids. :-)

    That Ikea catalog is absolutely fascinating.

  9. I honestly was pleased with your entertaining article and the entire website seems to be excellent.
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  10. You're right that so many of those pieces are very versatile. I love the last set with the white table. It looks like such a cozy, comfortable setting.

  11. I know vintage is fab but I find it hard to like it too much! I would still go with the simple IKEA style though :D

  12. I'm not really surprised because Swedish design hasn't changed that much at all. Actually, if you look at some US catalogs from the 1960s, like Herman Miller and Knoll, the furniture doesn't look dated either because they're still producing it (and a hundred other companies are still knocking it off--actually, that reminds me, did you know that Design Within Reach got into a lot of legal trouble when they first opened for selling ripoffs as if they were authentic? They ended up settling and having to pay money as well as issue an apology that ran in every catalog for a year). Anyhoo, glad you had a friend come to the rescue to move the table! Happy 4th! :)

    1. Ah, I love Herman Miller (especially the Eames chairs), and I recently realized I love one Knoll chair in particular when I made the mistake of sitting on it at a store. But of course, I have champagne taste and a beer budget, so none of those will be happening for a long time. Womp, womp.

      Anyway, I remember reading about that lawsuit. How stupid of them to try to rip off a designer they'd already worked with! For shame.

  13. Glad you got help to get your awesome new table up to your condo :)
    The black pleather furniture reminds me of my grandparents basement...LOL! Maybe they got their furniture at Ikea back in the day :)
