
Friday, June 29, 2012

Pinterest #27

Guys, I'm all melty. And not in the "hello, little puppy!" sort of melty.  More like "it was 100 degrees yesterday and we live on the top floor of our building." (New House, that won't happen with you because you live on the ground. [I love you.]) It's marginally cooler today, but still not enough to get me excited.

Good thing it's Friday! Let's distract ourselves with Pinterest.

I imagine this would be kind of like wearing a cloud. Get yo' sparkle on:


You know those cool vintage letters from old building signs? Here's how you make your own using foam board. Genius.


Fancy Italian shoes, anyone? BHLDN is being all sneaky with these, though, because the gold bows are actually sold separately. I clicked over and was like, "What?! $40?! Oh, just the bows." The shoes are an additional $280:


Revisiting the lighting post from the other day, I stumbled upon another contender. I think this would look smashing above my $300 dining room table:


And in magic happy land, my office will turn itself into this. And it will also stay this clean:


So how are you holding up in this dreadful heat wave? Eating lots of ice cream? Watching Frozen Planet and wishing you were there? What are you up to this weekend?

Yo, dawg: Wanna be Pinterest buds? Follow me here.


  1. I saw you pinned that dress and I love it. I want it. I want to twirl in it. And that light- I have always always always wanted one of those lights. Actually, our Christmas tree topper looks kind of like that. Great finds! Happy Friday and happy weekend!!

    1. Ditto on the light! That's one of the most affordable versions I've seen, too. :-)

  2. I wouldn't mind some of your heat :)
    Ooh, the dress. It looks so light and airy. Love it! I bet my hubby would love a sign like that! Cool.
    Happy Friday!

  3. Ah, it's raining here, no heat whatsoever! But I'm not changing it for your 100 degrees :D

  4. I think you've found your light! Very cool!
    And that dress looks great for these hot days...super hot here yesterday too!

  5. Lovely pins as to repin some:)

  6. Those vintage letters are awesome. And if I had a house big enough for a separate office (and not just a desk behind my couch in my living room) it would most certainly look like that organized goodness there.

    I have not left my house all day today. It's kind of awesome!

  7. This heat is killing me too! I'm so over summer already.
    Those expensive shoes are super cute! What's up with the bows being $40? Craze-ums.
    And I'm happy we're marquee diy blog twins-that diy is awesome!

  8. Oh that dress is so dreamy and floaty and perfect.

    I know exactly what you mean about the heat. Whenever I read articles in favor of getting rid of AC, it immediately tells me two things about the writer: one, that he or she has never lived in a high-rise (the heat gets amplified ten times, especially if you're on the top floor) and two, that he or she has probably never set foot in the southeast (or really the east coast at all) where humidity makes high temps downright dangerous for your health. And the temp doesn't drop after the sun goes down like it does in other parts of the country; it stays hot and sticky 24/7. Yay.

  9. I saw those letters on another blog today, too. So much fun! Your new dining room definitely needs that light fixture.

    Our condo was a little heat box, too. It is actually possible to make buildings too well insulated. Our house is much better. Stay cool!

  10. That dress is to die for! OMG.

    I saw those star lanterns at a restaurant my friend and I went to tonight - they're so charming, I'm sure it would look amazing over your table :)

  11. I really like those polka dot shoes, thanks for sharing!! :)

    Drawing Dreaming
