
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Deal o' the year!

If you follow me on Twitter or Instagram, you might have seen this picture yesterday:

That's our new dining room table! For the house we haven't closed on yet! (Minor detail.)

Isn't she purdy? I was at the Crate & Barrel outlet getting a birthday present for a friend when BAM! there it was. It's the Basque table, 104" long (for our cavernous future dining room), and still for sale at their regular retail stores for $999. We paid $299.

That's 70% off! I basically paid an IKEA price for a table that seats 10!

And that is why we jumped on it. There's one tiny imperfection on one corner, and that was all it took to get banished to the outlet. It needed a good home, the poor thing. It'll just have to join us in the condo for a couple of weeks. See? Part of the family already. Now if I can just find an equally good deal on some chairs, we'll really be in business. I found some contenders on Overstock, but we'll see...

Have you scored any awesome deals lately? Or perhaps you're prematurely buying furniture when your closing date isn't until July?


  1. I am so beyond thrilled for you to find such and awesome table (can you tell how much I like great deals??)! I think you just have to jump on it while you can. I bought the most beautiful queen-sized quilt from Eddie Bauer outlet years and years ago, and I didn't even have a queen-sized bed. But I knew I would and the quilt is on the bed right now. :)

  2. SCORE! This table is fabulous. I'm envious...
    Lori D.

  3. Very nice and a great deal too!

  4. WOW - so amazing!!!!!! i'm beyond jealous and excited for your! We bought out washer dryer for 50% off before our closing. Couldn't pass up that deal either. I need to go to a crate & barrel outlet stat!

  5. That is an amazing steal! Love it! I think those chair would be a nice style to go with as well. We got our table at an architectural salvage warehouse. We saw it and knew that we needed it. Bargained it down from $320 to $250 and are so happy to have it. Sometimes buying things on a whim is the best thing to do, otherwise you'll regret it forever, so good call on snagging this guy!

  6. Oh my gorgeous! And so jealous you have a C&B outlet!

  7. I'm so envious. We wanted that table but I couldn't stomach the price tag. It's wonderful!! Congrats on the score of the century!!

  8. I know a furniture warehouse that has inexpensive furniture... I got my ghost chair there for $80! I'll email you the link.


  9. WOW!!! What a great buy! I hope you find chairs at a great bargain too :)

  10. What an amazing deal!! And it's soooo pretty!

  11. hi there! coming from the hop!


    have a wonderful day!

  12. This is great! I love the Crate and Barrel outlet. I probably go there once a month. Maybe we should meet up there sometime. :)

  13. We're moving into a new apartment next month and we are already considering buying furniture and we haven't signed the lease yet. Craziness. The table looks fabulous.

  14. Wow, what a score! I love Crate and Barrel and am jealous that you live close to the outlet. We did order our bed and new TV before we had closed on our place. The month before we moved, I would post pictures of things on Facebook with captions like, "This is what our future home needs..."

  15. Wow! That's like stealing the thing! I would love to have a dining room where we can fit a table that big. We have to squinch to seat 8. I'm so jealous! I love the look of it too. Great score!

  16. That is amazing! We've actually been looking for a new dining room table for awhile, since our current one seats 4 and we're now a family of 5 (though 2 are still in highchairs). I am jealous of your amazing table score. ;)

  17. Thanks, everybody! Yay! Now I just need to find something we can sit on.

  18. Omg Paige, deal of the century! That table is gorgeous and I really can't believe it was so cheap. Lucky girl! I love that you're already buying furniture. I started shopping a bit...but haven't actually bought anything because we have no idea how big (or more likely how small) our next place will be. :)
