
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

DIY: Two-Tone Coffee Table

I will admit, going the two-tone route was not part of my original plan for the $10 coffee table. But I like it!

I don't have any pictures of it in the room yet because it needed every second of our warm weather to dry in the garage, and it still needs to fully cure before we use it.

However, I can tell you what I did to fix it up! First things first, here's where I started:

Wait, wait. Let me go in for a closeup.

The pictures on the eBay listing didn't look this bad and I remember being all, "Why is this only $10?!" And then I got to the seller's house and was like, "Oh, yes. The chunks of missing wood. Gotcha." The first thing I did was sand it, and I was hoping some of the scratches would come up in the process, but no dice. So I sanded enough to rough up the surface and had to think of the best way to fill those gouges.

Enter, the plaster pencil! It's basically a giant white crayon and works just like one. I rubbed it around to fill in the cracks and then sanded off the excess. Just for giggles, here's how it looked before I started painting:

Aaaaand that's why I ended up painting instead of staining. I used Rustoleum Universal for the spray variety (built-in primer!) and leftover gray bathroom paint for the top, which was Olympic no-VOC in a semi-gloss. The gray was kind of a whim because we still have SO much of that gallon left and I don't know what else to do with it.

After a few coats of both, I have a pretty new table! Or, I will once it's dry and ready to use. See that paint cover on the floor next to it? That's the color the tabletop will be when it's dry.

So there you go. My $10 coffee table got a makeover and now she's fit for company. Have you re-worked any furniture lately? Or had a project that threw you a curveball? What's the best deal you've scored on eBay/Craigslist?

Linking up at My Repurposed Life.


  1. Fantastic! I have been 'making over' a coffee table since...July. I'm obviously not very dedicated to the project! My solution has been to hid it under a plant rack.

  2. The table looks fantastic! I love that you got the top so smooth and shiny :)

  3. Wooohoo.. you got the table done. I really like it. You did such a good job. I really like the color brown you choose for the bottom. I don't think I've found anything cool on craigslist or ebay. I don't use them too often however I did score several times at the good will. I've found file cabinets, blender(practically new), and a cute green dresser.

  4. Oh what a gorgeous $10 coffee table that turned out to be! You did an excellent job, and I love the color combo. My favorite photo is that one for laughs showing all the plaster! =0) Can't wait to see it inside the house.

  5. Very nice! Can't beat $10 for that.

  6. It turned out beautifully! That will be a great addition to your house.

  7. I love it! And it looks like an easy enough fix-up. I'm hoping to give my desk chair a makeover very soon.

  8. It looks great! TFS

  9. Very impressive makeover! I wish I had more motivation to Craigslist/thrift...

  10. I love how this turned out! I'm especially impressed with the way you covered up those gouges! My biggest question after reading this post was-- How in the world did the previous owner let it get so gouged?! Did they let their dog tap dance on the table top or something?! haha!

  11. this is incredibly... it seriously went from bleh to WOAH!

  12. What an awesome deal! I love the two tone look and you totally made this table rock! I love the glossy top...makes it shine :)

  13. Wow! You really can't even tell it's the same table. You should email the people you bought this from a link to this, I'm sure they'd be kicking themselves for giving up on the thing when it had so much potential.

  14. wow! amazing! Paige--your coffee table is fabulous! Love the colors, but do tell me more about this plaster pencil.


  15. Ooo, great job! Looks perfect! I think the best deal we scored on craigslist would be the four poster bed we now have in the guest room. Thanks for the info on the plaster pencil!

  16. This makes me wish we had a garage! Painting for us will have to wait till the weather is a bit warmer (and more importantly, less windy). The paint job looks great! I might have questions for you later on... :)

  17. Wow, what a difference from start to finish! I'm glad you took photos before you began. I wouldn't have thought of going two-tone, either, but the result is really modern-looking and definitely a huge improvement.

  18. Great job! Looks really nice.

  19. OOh I need a small coffee table like that one! Good vision Gail and I've never heard of a plaster pencil before but that is a great idea! I've been lucky at the Salvation Army lately... I'm going to look for a coffee table next!


  20. Oh wow, love it! Stopping by from Heidi's blog! This is an awesome project. I have GOT to get on the upcycle bandwagon, fo sho! :)

    Gayle | Grace for Gayle

  21. Hi Paige, how do I subscribe to your blog by email?
