
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Signs I'm Weird

This is what happens when my DIY project takes longer than expected and isn't ready for today: I end up doing a totally random post! That $10 coffee table got called up to the big leagues sooner than expected because we're having an unseasonably warm couple of days, but I need to get some more paint. So instead of telling you about the newest addition to the family room (that will happen tomorrow), I thought I'd share some bizarre factoids about myself. You know all about my business, my house, and my style, but you might not be able to glean all of the Weird from my blog. So here ya go!


1. I lose my phone at least three times a day. This is hands-down the most annoying thing I do to myself. I've developed a terrible habit of carrying it around the house, then putting it down to do something, and then wandering away without picking it up. And then it's 20 minutes later and I think, "Hey, I should Instagram this bagel!" and my phone isn't in the room. Gaaah! Seriously, multiple times everyday. You'd think I'd just use the pockets in my jeans, but no.

2. I'm messy. Not on the cluttered way, but in the let-me-splatter-ketchup-on-the-carpet kind of way. This is also adjacent to the my-clothes-are-stained-and-I-don't-have-kids variety, which is a pretty special club if I do say so myself.

3. If I like it, I LIKE IT. Several times a year I will discover something new--like a book, or a movie, or most recently Downton Abbey--and I will take it into my heart and LOVE IT. There is no "kind of" liking something with me. It's either the best thing in the world, or it's dumb and I hate it. For example, Harry Potter is on the wonderful end of the spectrum, while dubstep is worse than your legs falling off.


4. Speaking of Harry Potter, I am still totally waiting for my letter from Hogwarts. Or if that's not going to pan out, I would really like my superpowers to activate. Preferably in the form of teleportation or better eyesight. Either one, I'm not picky.

5. If we were having this conversation face-to-face, I probably would have high-fived you three times already. Seriously, I'll do it for anything.


BONUS: I don't remember how to do long division. I can still solve an equation for X and I remember most of the geometric formulas, but ask me to divide something over 100 and my brain gets tired. I usually start multiplying until I get the right number.

So what about you? Any quirks you want to share with the class? I know I'm not the only weird person on the internet. Who else is overly enthusiastic about things? Or loses basic items multiple times a day? High-five!


  1. My preferable superpowers would be to be invisible or to fly. I am a huge klutz and I drop everything, especially if I am in a hurry.

    I can't wait to see the table!! High five!

    1. Oh, and I love the new design! I meant to say that the other day!

  2. I love this! Of course I have quirks. I have tons of them. Lets see...1. when I become interested in an actor I seriously watch ALL of their films even the ones that they play a small role in. More recently Tom Hiddleston. I was very upset he was in War Horse for like 5 minutes. 2. I watch TV shows very quickly. I go through series very quickly and it's primarily because I don't watch tv that often and I usually leave a series playing throughout the day. 3. I have troubles keeping a middle ground with drinking. It's either 1 drink or sloppy-mess. (I'm getting better at it though) 4. I can be really shy. Like.. I don't like calling places to inquire about things. I rather search on the internet. Drives my boyfriend insane. 5. I sometimes speak in a troll voice when I'm making a joke. Depending on the situation it's really funny or very awkward.

    1. I do the actor "research" thing, too! And thanks for the tip about War Horse. I was actually thinking about renting it for the same reason, but now I dont' have to. Haha.

  3. High five for a great post! Love your sense of humor.
    I seem to be getting weirder with age -- borderline eccentric.
    I am also a cat hair magnet, so I carry a sticky roller cat hair remover so that I can look presentable when I venture off to work. I also wear black pants and black shoes almost every day. (I have at least 4 pairs of black slacks--all with pockets--I need pockets.) I just switch out the tops (sweaters, jackets, blouses). For many years I had to wear suits, pantihose and heels, so I am embracing Business Casual and comfort these days along with my graying hair.

  4. I know that I do a lot of really weird things, my fiance calls me out on them daily. The only thing I can think of right now is that I get scared VERY easily. Since I do embroidery, my work room is extremely loud. Everyone knows I literally jump into the air when I get spooked, so they mess with me all day. One day I'm going to just drop dead!

    That is awesome that you give lots of high fives. They are underrated in my group of friends. :(

  5. People that aren't weird aren't interesting. Not that I'm judgmental or anything! ;) I really like reading a book series from book one thru to the end. Sometimes when an author I like comes out with a new book I'll reread the previous books in the series before reading the new one. Kinda weird I know.

  6. I LOVE high fives. And my boyfriend hates high-fiving me. Says it's too friend-like, or something? I don't know. I make him do it anyway most times.

  7. I lose my phone ALL THE TIME! And my keys, too. All three separate sets of them.

  8. I love these posts. And Ayla's cracked me up. I also forgot long division! It bothers me that I can't remember. I'm messy also, but weirdly OCD about the order of certain things and also a perfectionist, so basically what I'm saying is I make no sense. No one would ever walk into my house and think I'm a perfectionist, haha, but I can be very obsessive about my mess, stacks and piles, and I wouldn't like it if someone came in and moved my stuff around. I'd be very grumpy about it.

    1. I do the pile thing, too. It makes perfect sense to me, thankyouverymuch, so don't touch it! Drives my husband crazy if he ever needs to get anything out of my office. :-)

  9. I love reading about me posts, especially quirky ones haha it makes me feel so less weird seeing ones that I can totally relate too! One to three are so me, I loose everything, and love/hate everything too.

  10. OMG I love Downton Abbey too, I have just finished series 3 on DVD, love, love love!

  11. I am with you on #3, especially with TV shows. I hate when TV show I love end and go off the air forever. Great post :)
    Everyday Inspired

  12. 2, 3, and 5 totally describe me. I make a mess whenever I'm doing something. I love cooking and such, but Andrew constantly makes fun of me for the fact that our kitchen looks disgusting afterward. We clean it up of course, but during it is not good. I can't even buy white shirts for this reason! I hate dub step so much that if I had to listen to it I'd scratch my eyes out. And high fives are awesome. Andrew and I ALWAYS high five each other in Spanish-- "Alto cinco!" And one of my really good friends/co-workers and I love high fiving each other as hard as we can. His whole goal is to make the high five really loud, but then we end up laughing really hard and rubbing our hands afterward instead. :-P

  13. There is absolutely nothing wrong with reading a book five times (or watching your favorite movies every month or two). I don't do that as much as I used to, but I've re-read nearly all of my favorite childhood/young adult books numerous times.

  14. LOL - great post! I agree about the favorite books and movies - they never get old. And me, I can read upside down and backwards just about as fast as I can read forwards and right side up. I attribute it to mild dyslexia... or a confused brain. You choice. LOL

  15. I love random posts! This was so much fun to read. The part about the high fives...My 2yo daughter says, "High five, up top!" Everyone in the whole house is high-fiving ALL day long. =0)

  16. Great post! I lose my cell phone all the time, too, and have to call myself using the landline. How wrong is THAT?! And I read magazines backwards. I just can't stop myself.

  17. LOL...I can totally see you high fiving all the time :)
    I'm with you on the teleportation powers!

  18. do I have quirks? are you serious? we all do....right?


    I have a major mental block on the word threshold. I swear, as I was typing this I was thinking door jam. No. Threshold. Threshold. Threshold. Ugh.

    And I hate it when people get up from the table, aren't coming back, and don't push their chair in. Just a pet peeve. I mean, what are they thinking? That somewhere this is someone waiting just for them to get up so they can get all busy with pushing the chair back in?
