
Friday, January 4, 2013

Pinterest Picks

Happy Friday! Now that the holidays are over, it's time to get back into the ol' Pinterest Picks routine. I'm coming down with a cold, so last night I curled up under a blanket and took my sweet time choosing what to share with you. It didn't take away any sinus pressure, but it was fun.

First, this is kind of hilarious, but I never knew how to make a paper garland on a sewing machine. I thought it involved... well, something more complicated than just letting the machine go for a few stitches before you add more paper.

This is a gorgeous fireplace inside of a gorgeous coastal house. I recommend clicking through to see the whole tour, because dude. Even if you think you don't like coastal decor, take a peek.

When we eventually have kids, I want to do a gender-neutral nursery. That was as far as I'd gotten with the idea until I saw this quilt, and now I have a color scheme! Points to me for planning ahead.

There are few things I love more than tacos. These are crunchy black bean pockets of heaven:

And finally, I've never been to Georgia, but if these are the kind of trees I can see while I'm there, I might need to get on that. (Anybody know what they're called?)

You can see more of my many, many pins right here. Feel free to leave your Pinterest links in the comments so I can follow you if I don't already. So what are you up to this weekend? Anybody else a tad under the weather? What fun stuff have you found around the interwebs lately? (Don't forget to watch Downton Abbey on Sunday! Aaaah!)


  1. Yep there are lots of oak trees with Spanish moss that hangs down, also weeping willows...all very pretty. This looks like it's covered in frost maybe, which would be weird. They probably put a filter on it that made it look that color. Anyhoo, Savannah is famous for trees like this, but you can see them all over the southeast. I guess it's a strange sight if you aren't used to seeing trees like this.

  2. ^Person above totally said what I was going to say. Looks edited, but Savannah is definitely known for their beautiful scenery. (And, like she said^, all over the southeast.) It's about a 4 hour drive from me, but it's such an artsy little town and lots of sightseeing and things to do! If you're ever in the area, you should definitely check it out. :)

  3. That paper garland looks like a fun DIY! The house is gorgeous - I love beach cottage/coastal decor that is airy like this one!
    I'm sorry to hear you have a cold - hope you feel better soon!

  4. so beautiful!i love the second pic <3

  5. The first time I went to Savannah (such a haunted little town!) I was blown away by those trees & their Spanish moss... so glum and gorgeous! Back then, I thought the moss looked like beards that the trees had grown.
    A council of old, wise, bearded trees. :)

    That quilt is beautiful!
    I've always thought that the colors in a nursery should be about eliciting something in the child. Apparently, they are a mnemonic device for people to remember their kid's gender instead. o_0

  6. I'm fighting a cold too - at least it allows me to enjoy the new couch even more! I love the quilt. We're also planning on a gender neutral nursary for whenever that time comes - I like the mix of yellows and what I like to call "crayon green."

  7. Omg those tacos. Seriously. Bean tacos are my favorite food and anything with melted cheese wins. I love that quilt too - those are the colors we used in our wedding. Have a great weekend!

  8. As always, I love your picks! What a great mix of items. I really need to try those paper garlands sometimes. They are about the level of machine sewing that I can handle. :)

  9. Crack me up on the garland because I had thought about making them at one point but never got around to it. Sewing on paper isn't so bad- you just have to watch it if you have adhesive in between layers. I love that quilt (I have it pinned, too!) and it would be a great nursery theme. My bestie picked that when they didn't know what it was going to be, hence that bundle that I made for her. And yes, those trees with the moss are lovely. Hubby's family is in Florida and they have a lot of them there. Happy Friday!

  10. I thought the paper garland would be complicated too hence me never ever making an attempt. I think though would lose patience just doing hole punch of each piece of paper. I love the baby blanket. I would love to have something gender neutral however whenever I say ANYTHING about babies around Ryan he walks out. Maybe I should start making baby stuff to scare him. muahahahaha.

  11. That paper garland is too cute and those instructions are super easy! I got a sewing machine for X-mas and will have to add it to my ever-growing to-do list.

  12. Do you have a sewing machine that I can come over and use for that paper garland? I've got plenty of paper if you do.

  13. Wow...that fireplace is amazing! If we ever get a new house...I'm getting a fireplace!
    And I love the color scheme for the nursery. I've done a lot of albums with gray and yellow lately with either pink or aqua mixed it.
    I've been under the weather as well and finally saw the doc yesterday. Hope your cold goes away soon.

  14. I have seen those trees in GA and they are very cool. Nice finds, those tacos look really tasty.
    Everyday Inspired

  15. Wow these are beautiful! Thanks for sharing! :)

  16. That fireplace is amazing!!!

