
Friday, February 22, 2013

Project Red

Happy Friday! I normally do Pinterest Picks today, but I have a little painting project to show you instead. I recently joined the BBA Team on Etsy, which is a group of bloggers who also have their own shops, and they have a monthly challenge set up for members to try. February's prompt was to make something red, and since I had this old mirror from GoodWill just hangin' around in the junk room...

I thought it was a good candidate for a makeover! The mirror itself was $2.99, and I picked up a bottle of tomato red acrylic paint for about $1.

It took two coats, which I did while watching TV. I didn't even tape off the glass! (Rebel!) Here it is now, hanging in my studio next to the robot print I got for Christmas:

I like how they look against the pale blue walls. That color is leftover from the previous owners and I really love it. I was going to stick with the same blue and yellow color scheme from my office in the condo, but now that I'm seeing the red against the blue, I might change things up after all. We shall see.

Have you done any quick DIYs lately? What about making anything red? It's not a color I use a lot, but a pop here and there is nice. What are you up to this weekend?


  1. Red is bold! I'm not sure about too much red (like walls, etc.) but a little pop here and there looks good, especially against a pale color like that blue. Good work! No DIYs here lately, but spring is coming, so we'll see!

  2. I love the difference it makes! The mirror looks great.

  3. I would never have come up with the red, but it's looking so good! I really like the robot print. Have a fun weekend :-)

  4. So cute!! I love it with the poster. I tend not to use very much red in decorating... I use a lot of bright colors so my room tends to resemble a Lisa Frank rainbow instead of a traditional rainbow... pink instead of red! But I love it in your room :)


  5. There it is, in all its red glory! :)
    For a second I read that as "Are Ye a Robot?" which makes it sound hilarious.

  6. Great mirror find and makeover! That poster is too funny, as well. I am hoping to post my red project tomorrow...I'm starting to run out of time to write about it!

  7. Very nice! And very brave to not tape the glass. :) Looks great!

  8. I'm definitely making some reds (for the challenge)! I love that mirror -- the seashell design at the top is so pretty and your red paint just makes it pop!

  9. That is really nice! well done, Im doing a couple of neon things including 3 little wooden toy houses and a big cat sculpture Ive had a while now.

  10. The red looks great against the blue wall and paired with your robot print! Great job on this challenge :)

  11. Paige!!! It is amazing! And it is red! And it looks perfect with your robot print! And I can't stop using exclamation points! I'm just so excited that you went for the red and it looks so good. :)
    Seriously, that made me happy on this super gloomy day.

  12. The red is awesome! I agree that it looks great against the blue, and I love the mirror paired with the robot print. Your office space is so cheery.

  13. Love the mirror in red! I bought a small thing of gold paint and some plastic elephants to make something for my sister for her house warming next weekend!

  14. I love pops of red in design, it is just such a creative inspiring color, I personally use on a regular basis for just that purpose:) Love the way your mirror came out too! Soon as it gets warmer here in NE (less snow, more sun, would suit me fine) I have some awsome horseshoes from my grandfather's ranch from at least 50 years ago I want to paint 2 vintage blue, 2 kelly green and yes 2 radio flyer red and then give one to each of his grandkids saving one for me of course. I plan to attach a red one facing up to keep all that luck in tact on the side of my rustic shelving in my office that I built recently, it should make a great contrast piece I think... Keep up the awesome ideas & design!

  15. wow gorgeous detail in that frame - looks great!

  16. So neat! I love little touches and pops of color around the house like these. I'm currently into yellow and orange:)

  17. I love how simple this was, but how great it looks. I need to continue tweaking things around my house. Wanna come over and help?!

  18. the mirror came out great! And it really looks perfect with your robot print! Great job {:-Deb

  19. I'm such a chicken! That mirror is so cool as it is I would've been afraid to touch it, but you made it fabulous!
