
Monday, February 25, 2013

Oscar Fashion 2013

When I was younger, mainly during my teenage years, I was HARDCORE into the Oscars. I would not only try to see as many of the movies as I could, but I was one of those people who would try to predict the winners in every category. (And then I grilled everybody else about their picks. I bet my parents loved that.) I would also sit with my sketch pad during the red carpet and design new dresses for people who didn't get it right. Because obviously a 14-year-old knows everything. Duh.

I'm not as into them anymore--it's hard for us to see all of the movies--but I always watch. And even though I haven't drawn a new gown for Cameron Diaz in years, I still love the red carpet. There were a lot of beautiful dresses last night, so let's talk about them:

photos: Getty

Man, am I creature of habit or what? These ladies are my top three, and it's not just because all of them are wearing gray/black (though they get points for that).

--Naomi Watts always wears interesting garments, so it only makes sense that she would bust out something unique and sculptural for the Oscars. I'm not normally into things that are so modern, but this Armani Prive is stunning.

--Sandy Bullock is wearing my personal fave, Elie Saab, and I think the man has literally never made an ugly dress. I do wish the lining went all the way to the floor, but that's a nitpick.

--And this is strange to say, but I love what Stacy Keibler is wearing. I remember her from the WWE when I was in high school, so dating George Clooney and rocking a gorgeous Zaeem Khan dress is quite the change of scenery. The curved lines of the beading are so flattering on her figure. I hoped this would magically appear in my closet overnight but it did not.

Now before you set up an intervention for my gray fixation, I did like some things that qualify as actual colors:

photos: Getty

--Jessica Chastain is a little hit-or-miss for me sometimes, but this Armani Prive gown is perfect. The color is great with her hair, and I like that she went with a bold red lip.

--This girl in the blue just happened to pop up in my photo stream. Her name is Alicia Vikander and I have no idea who she is, but that's a great yellow belt against the blue. And I like a gal who rocks a sleeve on the red carpet. (I couldn't find the name of this designer, so if anybody knows...)

--First of all, Kerry Washington is so pretty. I think if I could do a face transplant I would get hers. But let's discuss the Miu Miu dress she wore. I had a hard time finding a picture that properly captured the bodice because it was just so darn sparkly. It was amazing on the broadcast.

So did you watch the show? Or maybe just the red carpet? Who were your favorites? Anybody else zero in on garments with a ton of beading?

P.S. Today is the last day to win the $15 Milo and Molly shop credit! Go enter if you haven't!


  1. My best friend is over the top for the Oscars too. They do an Oscar Movie Marathon at the AMC and she goes every year. It's like her Superbowl.

    Sandra's dress was stunning!

  2. Sandra always looks beautiful and elegant. I also liked Jennifer Hudsons dress.

  3. I watched! I LOVED Jennifer Anniston's red dress and she looked drop dead gorgeous in it. I really loved Jennifer Lawrence's dress too even though it was what made her fall when she was accepting her award! I just know she didn't think she'd have to walk up those stairs so shd didn't think the giant dress would be an issue!

  4. I'm usually a color person, but I love all those gray/black classy!
    I do love that blue dress too.

  5. Great picks! My absolute favorite was Naomi Watts! Come check out my fashion favorites too!!!


  6. I watched the last hour and seen the most important things ;) My fav is Jennifer Aniston, she looked stunning in that red gown.

  7. Naomi and Stacy were my favorites by far. I thought Amy Adams looked gorgeous too. The Oscars are my favorite tv night of the year, although I thought last night was actually a little painful. I was happy with the winners though. I am a huge movie person so I'd seen almost everything nominated for the bigger awards.

  8. Oooh I really liked Stacy & Kerry's dresses, but Zoe Saldana was my favorite. And Halle Berry is ALWAYS stunning.

  9. Naomi Watts' dress is just outstanding! I'm imagining you as a youth being you. Cute!

  10. Oh thank you for summarizing the red carpet for me! Alas, I'm sort of dealing with feverish children and the neverending laundry pile. I'm catching up on 2008's oscar winners this year. That's where i'm at.

    Perhaps when I emerge from parenting small children, I'll find a frock remotely as beautiful as some of these...and find an event to wear it to!

  11. I loved Sandra's dress too, as well as all the pastels! (but gray is my favorite go-to color, so I'm with you there) ;) Found you via Valerie's blog, Everyday Inspired. ♥ xo.

  12. The black and gray dresses are so beautiful, very classy! I think Sandra's is my favorite.

  13. well, our neighbors had a sort of 'red carpet party'. we gathered and picked everybody's choices apart.

    i loved jessica chastain's because it was simple, lovely and she had red lipstick on. i felt like most of the other women who wore neutrals wore neutral make up and looked washed out. i think she looked like old hollywood glamour. and love stacey k's. two of my favorites of the night. fit her beautifully and the details accentuated her figure. the 'accessory' she was wearing wasn't bad either.

    ps- i bet cameron is miffed at you for dropping her like a hot biscuit.

  14. I actually watched this year...I usually don't. We've never seen the movies ahead of time. Actually, I only saw one movie in the theatre last year, and it was Moonrise Kingdom. The only movie I'd seen that was nominated was Brave.
    Anyhoo, I think my favorite dress by far was Naomi Watts. There were a lot of metallic dresses going on, and she put them all to shame. Amazing. Also, no one talked about it, but her man Liev Schreiber looked really good too. His suit was tailored perfectly. So many guys have tuxes that just are not fitted well, but his was spot on.

  15. Oscars 2013 Style Hollywood biggest night brought out the brightest stars and fashion
