
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

2014 Goals: First Quarter Update

In January, like I've done for the last couple of years, I put together a list of things I wanted to accomplish/attempt/improve in 2014. They're not resolutions, because those have too much of a pass-fail vibe and there's no need for that kind of stress. As long as you're trying then go ahead a put a gold star next to your name, am I right? This round as some bigger and more time-consuming items bulking around, so there are only seven this year. Let's see how things are going now that we're three months in:

1. Update the bathrooms. I've done a couple of things in the one upstairs (whitening the grout and getting a new bath mat) but nothing too exciting has happened yet. We'll make more headway on this when the weather is a smidge warmer.


2. Go lighter with our paint colors. I'm starting this today, actually! Pictures will be coming in a few days, but if you want instant gratification you can follow along on Instagram.

3. Read one NEW book per month. Yep, and they've all been novels, too! I'm in the middle of one called The Alchemist's Daughter right now and it's okaaaaaay, but I've read better historical fiction. Next I'm going to do The Fault In Our Stars, which I know is a major tearjerker but it's been on my list forever and I need to just read it already. Feel free to leave recommendations in the comments; I'm always on the prowl.

4. Try one NEW recipe per month. Oh snap, I totally forgot about this one. See? This is why I keep a list.


5. Add cardio to my workouts. Cardio AND some strength training are in the works now. Not because we got fancy machines for the basement, but I started going to the gym with Hubsey. (I know, it still sounds weird to me, too.) Neither of us are traditional go-lift-weights-and-then-run people, but a new gym opened near us that's all small group activities, and you get assigned things to do based on your fitness level. So it ends up being like a personal training session, but you have a few other folks around for motivation. It's really fun. In fact, all gyms should do this because I bet it would make more people go.

6. Re-learn to use the sewing machine. Zero progress here. I actually bought some more of that no-sew hem tape, which is the opposite of what I should be doing.


7. Officially launch the design business. SO CLOSE! I just realized I haven't really told you about this yet. I've been working on something called The Room Kit, which is scheduled go live on its own website May 1st. It's a collection of fabric samples and color palettes designed to help people start decorating a space. I get the most questions about whether or not certain colors go together (and a close second is a general complaint that people don't know where to start) so I wanted to make something that took away a lot of the guesswork. I'll do a real post about it soon, but in the meantime you can sign up for the newsletter if you're too curious to wait.

How are your goals coming? Do we have any that are the same? Has anybody else totally forgotten about one of their items? I mean, my lapse was the one that involves cooking non-taco things so I'm really not surprised...


  1. Ambitious goals! Good luck. I have The Fault in Our Stars on my reading list, too. If you like historical fiction, I recommend Hild by Nicola Griffith. I just finished it...i t was 560 pages but I didn't want it to end.

  2. Your new business sounds like a great idea! I am very curious about the website! I always want to change things around my home, but I never know where to start, so things basically stay the same. One of my favourite books is the elegance of the hedgehog, by French author Muriel Barbery.

  3. If say you're doing pretty good! The way your gym is set up sounds really cool. And yay on the new business! I can't wait to learn more about it.

  4. Hooray for new business! That's really exciting! I take a similar approach to goals, though my goals this year were things like: attend these concerts and visit Texas. And I've got a great start. :) Good luck on the rest! I sewed a bunch before Christmas and kind of burned out before I could make anything for myself. Darn!

  5. Sounds like you're off to a great start on your goals.
    I really only had one goal this year...growth. And I've added several new products to my shop already, so I'm off to a great start as well.

  6. Subway tiles in the bathroom make me think of my grandmother's bathroom in her old apartment. I love subway tiles. :) Good luck with the rest of your list and I can't wait to see your new site!

    I just signed up for the Room Kit email list...I think, the little wheel thingie kept spinning round and round. If it didn't go through, can you add me? :)

  7. Hmmm, maybe I should adopt your goal of one book a month - it would probably give me a lot more time for other projects! In the past month I've read a whole lot, and it's definitely cut into my 'doing useful things' time. Your gym does sound like fun. I really can't go to a 'regular' gym. I have to have other people around doing the same thing as me in a group with some sort of leadership or I can't get motivated!

  8. I haven't even looked at my goals for this year. I know I made a list but student teaching has kind of thrown a wrench in the plans. I did manage to get the wedding collection up and I do have more fabric for spring's just a matter of sewing which I hope to do during spring break. Signing up for the newsletter now!

  9. The third quarter sure did fly by fast! Looks like you reached some of your goals. Good for you on hitting the gym. My hubsie and I are doing this together too! We are using the fitbit bands and WIFI scale. Love your bathroom. I love the claw foot tub!

  10. I love your business idea and I am looking forward to your launch in May!!

    Sounds like you have made some progress on your goals and you will accomplish them all by the end of the year.

    Your gym sounds great, I would love to know the name if it. The gym I have been going to 5 days a week for the last 2 year recently closed, and I was so sad. I really loved working out there, and I am now on the hunt for a new gym.

    Everyday Inspired

  11. I think your focus on your new business excuses a little backsliding on less pressing goals. I tried to sign up for your newsletter, but I couldn't get the signup to work :-(.

  12. P.S. Never mind. I DID get subscribed!! So exciting!

    1. Whew! Okay! It seems like it's just slow right now for some reason.

  13. Thanks for all of the interest in the Room Kit, you guys! :-) I'm so excited to get it going.

  14. Woohoo! I'm excited and just subscribed to your newsletter. Looking forward to the launch!

    We've been going to the gym too, but are definitely the lift weights types. We usually do some sort of cardio and then weight lifting afterward. Does that make us gym rats? LOL. I pick things up and put them down.

    Juuuust kidding. Though I have been going to the gym almost every day, and it helps me focus in terms of my schedule as well. I've also been killing my "shower before 9am" goal so that's definitely helping in terms of my routine too.

    I was on the book a month wagon and then fell off... I should probably get back on. Perhaps tonight!

  15. Oh the good thing about 'goals' than 'resolutions', is that it sounds more possible to achieve. Your 2014 goals seem to be already 30% done, and there's still 9 more months before the year ends. Surely, these goals you've listed will be accomplished earlier than planned. Good luck with The Room Kit!

    Succeed This 2014 Even Without Resolutions
