
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

DIY: Springtime Hoop Art

This post is sponsored by Plaid Crafts. All opinions are my own.

You guys know I'll put paint on anything that will stand still long enough. The cabinets, the deck, actual canvas intended for paint, my fingernails... So a few weeks ago when the nice people at Plaid Crafts asked me if I wanted to test drive the new Ed Roth Stencil1 line with some FolkArt paint, I was like, "Um, YES." And since we're almost done with the most aggressive winter in years, I thought some springtime-y artwork would be the perfect project.

Here's what you need:

>> fabric
>> embroidery hoop
>> foam brush
>> small paintbrush
>> tape
>> scissors
>> a flat surface
>> FolkArt multi-surface paint, available at JoAnn
>> Ed Roth stencil, available at JoAnn

First I laid my fabric (a fat quarter from the quilting department) out on a flat surface. I used an old poster board that's seen a lot of paint action over the years, but some newspaper on top of a table would work just as well. Then I put the stencil on top of the fabric and taped it down. This is key because to get crisp edges, the stencil can't scoot around while you work.

I put my paint on the flat side of the brush and gently dabbed it on. If you've never stenciled before, less is more when it comes to the paint. It's better to do two thinner coats than to glob it on all at once.

Dab, dab, dab.

While my fabric was drying, I painted the edge of the embroidery hoop. It was easier to put the paint on the angled end of the brush for this part. And yep, it worked just as well on the wood as it did on the fabric.

I waited about half an hour to make sure everything dried and then introduced the fabric to its new friend. This part was very unscientific; I just pulled the fabric around to get it positioned before I tightened the ring. When things were set, I trimmed off the extra on the back.

The last thing I did was take a teensy paintbrush and add some dots to the middle of the flowers. Who else loves yellow and teal together?

And that's it! Now I have some happy new artwork and it took me less than an hour, including cleanup. (The paint came off the stencil with soap and water, which is great.) I plan to keep the hoop for myself, but something like this would also make a cute gift. Maybe for an older girl's Easter basket? Ooh! You could just gift the materials and have yourselves a DIY day putting them together. This is definitely the kind of thing you could make with a group.

To keep up with the latest goodies from Plaid, follow them on Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. You can also like them on Facebook or check out the Plaid Palette blog.

Have you busted out any stencils lately? Or used spring-y colors? I don't make a lot with embroidery hoops, but this was so easy I might do it again.


  1. Really cute!! I have been wanting to get into some stencil painting. Every time I go to Michaels, I see stencils and I'm like..hmmm what can I do with those. That is definitely a nice Springtime gift.

  2. Lovely project! What kind of fabric did you use, cotton? I like the sunny colours, now let's hope the weather will follow!

    1. Yep! It's just a fat quarter normally used for quilting, but it was a good size for this.

  3. Love the colors! Painting the hoop really made it stand out!
    And you're right, this would be a fun group project!

  4. I love stencils and hoop art, so this DIY is perfect!!
    I love the turquoise/yellow (kinda like my costume a few weeks ago :))
    I think I need to make this :)

  5. Very pretty, I really like the look of this, and the colors you used!

  6. very sweet art project Paige! I long for Spring to get here and stay. We've been teased with warm days only to get snow soon after. :(


  7. I love stenciling! I don't know why I've never thought to make stenciled hoop art, though. Very cute!

  8. Lovely little project! Nicely done.Pinning!

  9. I'm SO not the artist, but using stencils is something I can definitely do! Great project idea. =0)

  10. Love love LOVE! At first I didn't realize that there was a tiny pattern on the fabric -- when I did I smiled, so sweet! For something so easy it looks like you spent hours and hours! I haven't used stencils in forever -- now I'm itching to go stencil shopping!

  11. BEAUTIFUL!! Love the Spring-y colors. I've never tried stencils, but you've inspired me.

  12. Can't tell you how impressed I am with your gorgeous hoop art. I was just talking to a very good long time friend telling her about how people are using the hoops to make gorgeous art. We've been friends since freshman year in high school and still are very good friends. If I'd had a sister I would have loved her to be like my friend. She still lives in Tucson and I've lived all over the country in all these years, now in Western CO.
    Sorry for digressing so far. I have several hoops and I'm going to get some fabric out, get my stencils out. I have a pretty good supply of stencils also, can do many different themes with the hoops. Was looking at stencil at Hobby Lobby recently, they have several that would work great with hoops for $2.99. With a 40% off coupon it's almost free. I'll look forward to seeing what you make next. Happy Spring days
    Love the fabric you used to stencil on. The dainty little pattern is so appropriate with what you stenciled.

  13. This looks quick and fun, and definitely perfect for spring! You could do the same thing by stretching fabric over stretcher bars, and get some quick-and-easy results.

  14. So nice and pretty and it looks so easy!! Love it ;-o)
