
Friday, March 28, 2014

Pinterest Picks

Happy Friday! I'll get more in-depth with this in a few weeks, but my parents are about to start a bathroom remodel and asked me to help them pick the finishes (holla!). Mom is on her way here right now and we're going to get our shop on. There's a lot to choose but hopefully we can get some accessories out of the way today, as well. Kill two birds and all that. Before I bounce, let's take a look at this week's Picks.

Speaking of bathrooms, I REALLY don't want to repaint our upstairs bathroom again, but this navy vanity and white walls combination has been popping into my head for the last several days. I actually considered navy for either one of our vanities a couple of months ago, but then I was like, "Nah, I still have white paint left, that's fine." But now... I know this makes me sound really wishy-washy, but I do still want a largely white space and whichever way we go with the paint will still get us there. I just have to decide. Ha.


I'm going through a polka dot phase right now. They're even on my washi tape, so a blouse is the next obvious step, right? I'm going to say yes.


We've made stuffed mushrooms in the toaster oven a few times and they turn out really well. And by "we've made" I mean "we go to the store and buy ones that are already assembled from the meat counter." But these would not be horrible to actually put together ourselves:


Since we're already on the topic of not-white cabinets, here's a black kitchen. I'm digging the butcher block counters, too.


Since the travel bug bites us several times a year, this print is right up our alley. All of the images are from a vintage atlas, which makes it even more our style. The rest of this woman's Etsy shop is adorable, too:


So, what are you up to this weekend? Aside from the bathroom extravaganza, we're having dinner with another couple and finishing the last of the kitchen painting. And I feel like I'm forgetting something else. Laundry? Maybe? I hope you have something fun on the docket! I'll catch you on Monday with the linky party.


  1. My goal for the weekend: stop pinning and start doing! Hoping to have fun things to share afterwards. It's going to be rainy and cold here so lots of indoor projects.
    Your taste is truly incredible. I'd have to say that kitchen would be my DREAM kitchen. The extremely industrial oven is the icing on the cake. And that bathroom idea! It's just paint, you should totally go for it.
    I'll come to Chicago and prime if you do it! Then you can add white subway tiles.... and bam!

    1. Haha! I'm tempted to take you up on that. There's so much stuff to paint around that it takes 9 million years every time we change it.

      I can't wait to see what you work on!

  2. I like the look of that kitchen! So far I have plans to meet up with a friend for lunch and to (finally) finish I DIY project that got started over a month ago.... It's about time!

  3. Well my goal is for this weekend - start organizing my papers and get new post for this weekend! I love you "love" pick - it is so cute! I found on pinterest great DIY for maps using as a shapes of hearts as in the future, I may create something different beside watercolors:) will see! Happy Weekend!

  4. The blouse is fabulous, but I love polka dots, so I'm a little biased. Have fun with your mom!

  5. Love the polka dot shirt!! It's still tax season, so I'm working all weekend, but the end is in sight!

  6. Wonderful Finds! I love the polka dot blouse:)

  7. Great finds! That polka dot blouse is on my wishlist now.
