
Monday, March 31, 2014

Life Lately + A Linky Party

It's been a busy couple of weeks around here. So busy that I was starting to feel kind of run down over the weekend, so yesterday I lolled around and read Burial Rites (which was one of the best books I've read in a while--go get it as soon as you're done here) and now I feel more like myself. Which is good timing because it's supposed to be in the 60s(!) today and I fancy a hike.

Here's a bit of what I've been up to:

>> First of all, it was customer appreciation day at Whole Foods on Saturday and there was CAKE. There were about 80 other samples in the store, too, but obviously I was most excited about this.

>> When we were in Milwaukee last weekend, my mother-in-law and I went to the Wisconsin Museum of Quilts and Fiber Arts... which happens to be located in a snazzy old barn. If you're ever in the area, it's worth a look.

>> The Hubster and I both have iPhones, and have for several years, so I'm not sure why it took me until now to put some washi tape on my charger so we can tell them apart. No more cord confusion in Casa Ronchetti.

>> And finally, I pulled the trigger and bought yardage of those fabrics. They're for my first collection of Room Kits, and now the whole thing is feeling very real. Not that it WASN'T real before, but it's a different feeling to have your most expensive materials on the way. Let's talk about something else before I make myself all nervous...

Since it's the last Monday of the month, it's time to get our linky on! As we do, Ayla, Laura, and I have taken a peek at all of the projects/recipes/crafts you were cool enough to share last time, and we've narrowed them down to our three favorites. It was tricky because you guys put together some great stuff, so hopefully you bopped around to all of the links and checked everything out for yourselves. Here are our medalists, so to speak, in no particular order:

Valentine's Day Banner

Vintage Tin Magnets

St. Patrick's Day Banner

Cute, right?  And I find it kind of delightful that two of us picked banners. Brain twins! We'll be sharing our three favorites next month, too, so be sure you link up below! We can't share if it's not there. (Ha! Rhymes.)


  • The "Look What I Made Linky Party" is open to any blog post featuring something you've made. It can be a DIY project, something you've cooked, a sewing project--anything! At this time we're not accepting links to any shops, but blog posts about your products are welcome. 

  • Make sure you link to a specific blog post and not your homepage. 

  • This party is all about showcasing new projects, so while we're sure that table you painted last summer is awesome, please only link to posts from the last 30 days. 

  • Every month we'll pick our favorite projects and feature them at the beginning of the next month's linky party. Your project might also be shared on our Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest accounts. 

  • We do ask that you link back to us in your blog post. You have your choice of using the pretty linky party button we made below, or just using text. This way the promotion is a two way street and everybody wins.

  • Grab button for Look What I made Linky Party

    Grab the button:

    <div class="Look What I Made Linky Party" style="width: 150px; margin: 0 auto;"> <a href="" rel="nofollow"> <img src="" alt="Look What I Made Linky Party"> </a> </div>

    Link up your projects below!


    1. Oh how did I miss free cake? It rained here all day Fri./Sat. and then snowed and sleeted yesterday, so we were pretty much stuck at home all weekend, with the exception of a trip to the grocery store. Our local weather peeps pronounced winter officially over last Friday, and they totally jinxed us! The sun is finally out today, but it's still so windy and cold. That quilt museum looks nice!

      1. Maybe your location will have the cake THIS weekend! I bet not all of them do customer appreciation on the same day.

    2. I live less than a mile from Whole Foods and I missed CAKE... terrible. Absolutely terrible. I actually just finished a book yesterday. I spent most of the day buried in blankets reading because it was cold and windy and I ain't got time for that. I read 'How I live Now' which is YA book and really interesting. It's different and I highly suggest checking it out.

    3. Yay! Thanks for featuring my magnets :-) That cake looks like something I want to stuff my face with right now :-)

    4. The magnets and banners are so cute! I'm glad that you were able to visit the quilt museum up here. I was a vendor at a show there a couple years ago and would love to go back sometime.

    5. Free cake? Man...I missed out! And, I need to add some washi tape to my charger too. Great idea!

    6. Ooh, yummy fabrics :)
      Cute idea to put washi tape on the charger! I love the barn setting for those gorgeous quilts!

    7. I wish there are a Whole Foods here! That would be amazing. The quilt/fiber arts museum sounds really cool!

    8. Thanks so much for featuring my Love Banner :)

      Free cake is always awesome and I love your washi tape idea!

    9. I love the washi tape charger solution! Totally doing this. So many saved arguments.

    10. I like your week! I also like the idea of the washi tape to decorate your charger. Hubster over here still has the old fashioned flip phone. All he likes to do is answer it and make phone calls. I like that name Hubster!
