
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Road Trippin'

My sister and I have taken a trip together almost every year since we were in college. (I think the only one we missed was the summer I got married? I can't remember.) Last year we flew to Toronto, and it was awesome, but after all of this polar vortex BS we decided to hit somewhere warm: Savannah! We're road trippin' it up and plan to make a pit stop in Nashville along the way, too.

Of course, the nice thing about going by car is that we don't have to drag a suitcase through the airport, so there's less pressure to travel light. Since we'll be driving so much, my rule for this trip is that everything I wear HAS to be comfy, so I'm focusing on that instead of jamming all of my outfits into a carry-on.

dress  //  cardigan  //  t-shirts  //  shorts  //  jeans  //  wedges  //  flip flops  //  tote  //  sunglasses  //  necklace  //  earrings  //  watch

>> Maxi dress. They fit the comfort bill because they're kind of like wearing a blanket, but the weather this time of year in Savannah (70s and low 80s) is perfect for busting one out. They're hard to wear when it's really hot, so I want to enjoy this little window while I can. Plus, this is a slightly nicer outfit option in case we end up going somewhere snazzy one evening.

>> Quality shoes. Once we actually get to Savannah, we'll be doing touristy things (which will obviously include creeping on the houses in the Historic District) on foot since I doubt we'll be in a hurry to get back in the car. This means my Clarks will be making the trip. I would only hate myself if I brought something cute but toe-pinchy.

>> Tote bag! I can find a reason to bring a tote bag anywhere, but having a place to drop your camera and a bottle of water is pretty legit for a vacation. Also, everybody's been inside all winter so I think having sunscreen nearby will be one of my better ideas.

>> A watch. Yeah, yeah, everybody has a clock on their phone now, but what if you're distracted by the trees and forget to look at it, and then you miss your tour at the giant historical mansion? Sad face.

>> Statement jewelry. Most of my clothes will be pretty casual (think t-shirts and either skinny jeans or shorts), so having some bigger jewelry will help me look pulled together without sacrificing comfort. Some scarves will be coming with me, too.

Do you have any vacations coming up? What do you like to pack for a road trip? What's the longest drive you've ever made? (It's apparently 7 hours from Nashville to Savannah, so that will be mine.)


  1. That is such a fun tradition! My sister and I have never gone away together, I think we might kill each other. It's getting better.... but overnights are not our strong suit.

    I hope you tow have tons of fun! Can't wait to see your pics!

  2. I love road trips! The longest day we've ever driven was 14 hours. It was on the way back from our National Parks trip out west and we decided to just drive as long as we could on one of the days coming back so we could enjoy the other days a bit more. I always pack comfy clothes as well, but make sure to have a few nice things for just in case as you had suggested. Lots of water, snacks, good tunes, and crossword puzzles are key too.

    We're driving down to Asheville a few weekends from now for a 4 day weekend. Should be lots of fun!

  3. Yay for Savannah!!! You already know I'll be there tomorrow!! I literally packed everything Spring/Summer I have because it's so warm down here. Seriously in the 80s today. A 7 hr drive is nothing!! Driving from NYC to VA is about 8hrs (not including traffic) so I've done that a lot. The longest drive I've made was from CT to Chicago which is about 15hrs. We actually are planning on driving from VA to Chicago in the next 6 months which is about a 12hr drive. The drive from Durham to Savannah is about 5-6hrs which isn't too bad.

  4. I want those red shorts :)
    How cool that both you and Ayla are going to Savannah! You've chosen a smart travel outfit and some awesome accessories!

  5. I love the colourful earrings and the red shorts! Have fun on your road trip, I'm looking forward to seeing the photo's.

  6. You had me at "watch"!

    Cute collection here, Paige! We do an annual roadtrip in the fall to the winery region here in BC. It ends up being a six or seven hour trip, after little stops along the way (we have a three and a six year old, remember...hence the need for a wine-fest vacay!). I always forget pjs, don't know why. My go-to wardrobe is always: skinny jeans, plain t, sunglasses, crazy patterned scarf. And either converse chuck taylors or ballerinas!

  7. Those outfits do look comfy and I LOVE those wedges! Have a great time on your trip!
    We once drove 23 hours to Montana...I hope to never do that again! But I've been to Wyoming and Michigan several times....each 10-12 hour drives. I pack a lot to do in the car!
    We have several weekend getaways planned this summer.

  8. That's crazy that you and Ayla are both going to random. It's very pretty though and there's lots to see. Nashville is fun too; my sister lives there. We drive down to see my parents on occasion which is a 12-hr drive (if you only stop when you absolutely have to) and it's not a lot of fun. I prefer shorter drives where you have time to get out of the car and eat or see some local sites. The next time we drive down I think we're going to split it into 2 days so that we can detour and see some smaller towns.

  9. Beautiful selection and fantastic plans! Have fun with you sis! Just got back from Savanna and tell you weather is perfect!

  10. I hope you have fun! Savanna is a beautiful city and, quite honestly, I'm a little jealous. I could use some live oaks with Spanish moss in my life because I'm feeling a bit homesick!

  11. OMG, I could totally get distracted by those trees you liked, wonderful!!

    And that's a great plan, how exciting!!!

  12. Have fun! I was all about the comfort clothes when we went to Vegas in February.

  13. Comfortable clothes (and shoes!) on a roadtrip is a must. Even if you're not the one driving. The longest roadtrip I've done was 22 hours between Austin and Charleston, SC. Even did it in one go on the way back. *flexes roadtrip muscles*
