
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

DIY Roundup: Get Your Spring On

Now that the weather is done being ridiculous, I have ants in my pants to start more DIY projects. Something kind of small, since I did just paint another room. (Are you like that, too? After a bigger project you're only interested in easy stuff?) I have something up my sleeve already that involves a can of spray paint--whee!--but it never hurts to have other ideas floating around. Here are some tutorials that have caught my eye lately.

>> Conversation coasters. I actually tried to make a version of these as trivets before I knew this tutorial existed, and I learned the hard way, as one often does, that not all kinds of cork will play nice if you try to paint them. Getting the thin, smooth variety is important. Depending on what you wrote on them, these could be fun icebreakers for a party.

>> Succulent teacup. High-five for plants that are hard to kill! Plus, I love anything in a teacup. (This puppy is in a teacup.)

>> Gold vase. Two of my favorite things come together in this project: spray paint and things that are shiny. If you click through to the tutorial, the girl who made this did several other designs, too.

>> Bright chairs. I like the idea of putting some color outside after such a craptastic winter. These would look great indoors, too; maybe in a breakfast nook or play room?

>> Build-a-planter. If you're itching to bust out your tools, this planter is fairly easy to make and will make you feel way better about your dreary, post-snow yard. And if your flowers aren't growing yet, this would be a great place to stick some fake ones.

>> Gallery wall. Don't you just feel happy looking at this? Art is my favorite way to shake up the feeling in a room, so now's the time to switch things around if you're ready for a change. And if you're like me and SOMEHOW ended up with a hoard of artwork in your office, throw the confetti because you're about to update your space without spending any more money. Boo ya. Economic master in da house.

Are you itching to start making things, too? Or maybe you already started? What's on your list?


  1. I have somehow developed a quirky coaster collection without even trying. I wish I had more get togethers to enjoy them. Love the gallery wall!

  2. I like that teacup, I've had a succulent for a couple of months now, and it's still alive. I guess they are really, really very hard to kill!

  3. Love the colorful chairs! And the gold vase!
    I'm hoping to do a few DIYs for my new studio.

  4. I really like the conversation coasters. =0)

  5. I love gallery walls so much. The bright chairs also put a smile on my face.

  6. Nice finds, I have done quite a bit of DIYs this year, it was fun!

  7. Lovin' those pastel chairs and the pretty peonies in the vase.

  8. Gallery walls my favorite ... hmmm maybe because it reminds me my home wall:)

  9. I love the painted chairs project! Well I just love painting things I guess... I believe anything can be fixed with some paint, and dream of the day we live in a bigger house, so I can do projects like this... I need more space, so I have more room for more painted furniture. LOL xo! ;)
