
Friday, April 11, 2014

Pinterest Picks

Happy Friday! I'm heading into another busy weekend, between packing for my road trip, wrangling the wilderness outside of our house that we call a yard, and working ahead on some Room Kit stuff since I'm going to be gone for almost 6 days. Hopefully my printer and laptop are done giving each other the silent treatment so I can get some of the information onto real paper.

Anyway! I left you hanging without any Pinterest picks last week (my bad) and I wasn't about to do that again. Let's see what the internet dazzled me with this time:

Time to play What Do I Like About This Office, brought to you by the show house that Young House Love just finished. Can I get a what-what for the rug? And a high five for putting a real chair in there, since we all want a comfy bum? Also the requisite comments about all of the natural light that I make about everything, blah, blah, blah. I'd like to move in.


This cake is better than regular cake because there's no frosting on the outside! Terrible, gross frosting that takes away from the cake flavor. Give me fruit anytime.


Going back to Wednesday's post about little spring DIY projects, these faux leather pouches would be a fun way to get back in touch with my sewing machine.


Cute AND practical. Maybe next to the garage door?


I don't normally pine for a regular day job with co-workers and a cubicle, but then I come across an outfit like this and remember that the fashion aspect of it was pretty fun. It's not really the same if I dress up now, because nobody sees it except the people at the post office. (Or Target.) SIGH.


So what are you up to this weekend? Anybody else venturing outside to reclaim the land? Or trying to be a printer whisperer?


  1. That outfit is adorable! And I totally would love a cake like that for my birthday! My niece arrived late Wednesday night, so I'm going to spend the weekend snuggling her when I can and making some meals my sister can keep in her freezer.

  2. I love that outfit!! I don't miss the day job either, but wearing heels and wool trousers whenever I wanted to was kind of nice. Right now there's not really a point. We have a chalkboard similar to that (though not as nice and long!) in our mudroom that we can leave notes on. Score another one for the dump!

    Have a happy weekend!!

  3. "Terrible, gross, frosting..." oh you break my heart but that's okay, I forgive you. ;) Other than a trip to the movies, I don't have much plans this weekend but Mike will off next week so we'll be out and about then while staying in the city. Hooray time off! Enjoy your trip!

  4. The little pouches are really cute. My sewing machine has been collecting dust in a closet for years. I'm not even sure if it still works anymore lol. I hope you guys have fantastic weather for your road trip! :)

  5. Drooling over the cake. Looks amazing.

  6. I hear you on frosting and dressing up for the people you don't know at Target. Unless I have a social thing, I don't see the point in dressing up too much.

  7. That cake looks amazing!! I like some icing, but I agree that it can be kind of icky.

  8. Cute outfit. And the cake? Now that's my kind of cake. It actually looks pretty healthy, with the berry thing it has going on! Have a great weekend!

  9. I'd trade breakfast today for that cake!! It does have berries after all....
    We really need to tame the backyard -- I'm not sure where the ground cover went!
    Hope your busy weekend is enjoyable!

  10. I'm loving the office spaces you've been showing off lately! Also, I had to laugh about the outfit comment because I feel the same way. I often get dressed up super cute and then the only person that sees me is my post office lady or Andrew. Way wow.
