
Monday, April 14, 2014

DIY Washi Tape Magnets

I was in the dining room a few weeks ago, taking this picture of my washi tape collection for Instagram, and Hubsey was like, "Oh, you bought more! What's the plan for this?"

And I was all, "Uh..." My little washi tape buying spree happened because I got distracted by how cute the patterns were and not so much enticed by the idea of using it, but obviously, I SHOULD use adorable craft supplies if I have them. So here's the plan! (Part 1 of many, because now I have 7 rolls to use. Ahem.)

Like I mentioned last week, after I do a big project I'm only interested in easy stuff for a while. You really only need, like, 5% of your brain for this one, so feel free to do it while you catch up on Mad Men. (Did you watch last night? I grow tired of Don and his self-sabotage.) You probably have most of this stuff at home already, except maybe the magnets which you can get at JoAnn or Michaels:

>> washi tape
>> round magnets
>> white paint
>> paint brush
>> scissors (not pictured)
>> a heavy book (not pictured)

First I painted the tops of the magnets white. This step might not be necessary depending on what patterns you have on your tape, but since all of mine have white on them, I've found that they show up best on a white background. So I did that, and when they were dry I started taping.

My magnets were slightly wider than my tape, so I had to use two strips and line up the edges. It wasn't as tricky as I feared it would be, and in person the seam isn't noticeable. I pressed down really well and then snipped off the excess with my scissors.

To be extra sure the tape wasn't going anywhere, I had the magnets sit under a heavy book for a few hours. Then I tossed them up on the fridge and they were adorable!

Sorry about the weird angle, the window is behind me and we all know how helpful that is.

They are pretty small, but because I used the thicker magnets, they're strong. If you aren't the type to stick a lot of papers to the front of your fridge, using the thinner version would be totally fine.

Now I need to think of other tape-related ideas! This stuff is so ridiculously easy to work with I wish I'd jumped on the bandwagon a couple of years ago with everybody else. Whoops. But I guess the upside is that I don't have a giant collection to store, so there we go.

What have you been making lately? Anything with washi tape? Have you ever bought crafty materials without having a plan first? Sometimes they just know your siren song and you can't help yourself. I used to be really bad with fabric remnants...


  1. Yay for washi tape!! I've never bought washi tape but I have always bought craft supplies with no plan. I have tons of things in the closet that I 'can' use but haven't thought of just yet. I also have that soap making set that I have yet to use too.. so many things at a craft store!!

  2. Cute and easy!

    I'm going to totally go off-topic and ask about the other magnets- are those Instagrams??

  3. Fun project for the tape! You could make a whole slew of these with just one roll!
    I buy supplies all the time thinking I'm going to find a use for them!

  4. I always buy supplies without thinking what it is I want to do with it... Your magnets look supercute!

  5. I love washi tape and all the things you can do with it. This is definitely on my list to try!
    My kids and I haven't been crafting much lately. =(
    Since this is their spring break, though, we'll probably carve out some craft time and see what we come up with.

  6. I have a ridiculous amount of washi tape too so I'll have to try this!

  7. Cute! Sadly, we have agreed not to use magnets on the fridge. It's nice looking brushed stainless and we know if we give an inch we'll take a mile!
    I totally buy craft supplies because they look cool without really thinking things through first...

  8. So cute and simple! I hear you on buying excessive craft supplies, and I've also grown weary of Don Draper and his self-sabotage. I can only watch so much of it.

  9. So sweet & simple!
    Ha.. buying without planning....I do that all the time with felt!

  10. What a great idea, and so simple! I love all the cool prints of the wash tape, it is so much fun to work with. Thanks for sharing how you create your fun magnets.
    Everyday Inspired
