
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The All-Etsy Mother's Day Gift Guide

Greetings from the passenger seat of a Prius! My sister and I are on the road to Nashville and Savannah, which means this will be my last post for the week. You can still find me on Instagram, though, sharing up a storm, and I'll be back here on Tuesday with Real Camera pictures and stories.

I might be a former Etsy seller now (R.I.P. jewelry shops!) but I don't think I'll ever forget how irritating it is when people order last-minute before a holiday. One guy got all up in my business once because he waited until the eleventh hour to order something for his wife's birthday, and then blamed me when first class shipping didn't get it there in time... because he didn't want to upgrade.

Don't be that guy.

I've always liked planning ahead when gifts are involved, so it's not weird to me at all that Mother's Day is still three-and-a-half weeks out and I'm telling you to go shopping. If ol' Crabbypants McJerk had followed the same school of thought, it would've been a better transaction for everybody.

Anyway, I'm not here to dredge up old Etsy stories (though I do enjoy those). Let's see some gift ideas:

spa set  //  clutch  //  earrings  //  botanical print  //  marshmallows  //  soaps  //  acrylic tray  //  necklace

I'll own it: some of these are things I kind of want for myself, BUT I figure at last one mom in the world has the same taste as me, so it's fine. I'm going through a big dangly earring phase right now, so I think those are my favorites, followed by the acrylic tray. What about you? And what are you thinking about for your mom this year? Anybody have their gifts already?


  1. Love the print and the tray! Have fun on your trip, hope it doesn't involve snow...

  2. Your picks look so pretty together. :) Enjoyr your trip and I'll see you on Instagram!

  3. You have good taste! Those are great finds. Love the acrylic tray.

  4. Great finds! Lovin' the foldover clutch and those cute little soaps.

  5. I hate it when people don't realize that wishing something will arrive on time won't make the Post Office work faster! I honestly haven't thought about Mother's Day yet. Eek! I'm pretty sure my mom would love the marshmallows and soaps, though.

  6. Lovely gift guide, the chevron bag is a lot of fun. Have a wonderful trip and enjoy all the warm weather!
    Everyday Inspired

  7. nice finds! have fun on your roadtrip
